Trying to plan ahead. Have the possibility of a a job interview in West Sussex next month (?). Would be flying into Heathrow from the US and need to make my way from there to Chiltington. Would like to explore the area and see if my family and me would like it enough to relocate. I think the best way to do so would be on a motorcycle, but I can't bring my Girly along.
Are there reputable and not to expensive bike rentals close to Heathrow or anywhere in London? Would it be better to rent a car? Should I rely on public transportation?
How is the area around Chiltington?
Any help and info greatly appreciated!
There are a few companies that rent bikes in London, one or two will collect you from the airport, don't think there are any at Heathrow itself.
Chiltington has a village website.
Both these found through a search from google
Quote from: "hansi"Should I rely on public transportatiion?!
Everything else is easy enough.
Well, thanks for the help. Was actually able to do a Google search myself before I posted. Should have phrased my post different, maybe less confusing, asking for actual experience with bike rentals in London and information in person from fellow Triumph riders. Thanks again.
Ah, sorry, no experience of renting simce 1990 ish, rented a VT500 from Ruislip, bought one shortly after. Shop isn't there anymore :( Nice bike for a starter