With president Obama so busy in London, I decided today that I should likewise get busy. My engine is back together, and needed putting back in, and I wanted to get on with the 3 spoke conversion.
As I am not an engineering wizard, I decided to go along the route of putting Tiger stanchions into Trophy sliders, using sprint yokes with an LSL clamp kit and a complete sprint wheel, spindle speedo assembly et all.
I got a mate of mine to swap the forks about a few weeks ago and I have everthing else to hand. Rear wheel went in just as advertised here by other posters. The bottom yoke and top yoke went in place nicely and the forks also slotted in nicely.............. the however bit is that the top yoke hits the clock bracket, thus restricting the steering somewhat........so I'm going to have to get some engineering done after all, and my cunning plan is Kaput!!
I have a mate who's an engineer coming to have a look this weekend, but I'll post some pictures and if anyone has done it this way and can enlighten me, or has any good ideas, please feel free to chime in.
oow thats a bit of a bugger.. but looks like a neat conversion hope theres an easy way around it... 8)
Rob, when i spoke to Sandy at Triumphant, he told me that the only yokes that would work were the early Speed Triple and the Adventurer and Legend yokes. (I have the Speed Triple on mine)
I have a set of Legend yokes to put on my other project bike, they seem to fit ok with no issues.
Suppose the only way around your problem is to try and put some spacers under the clock bracket to lift it up?
Where exactly do the yokes catch?
And i suppose you know about getting an extended speedo cable?
Hi Mark, thanks for the reply. Is there ant chance that you could take me a picture of yours? I have a thunderbird top yoke, which is the same as the adventurer/legend, so I'll offer it up. I've looked at some early speed triples, and they appear to be the clip on variety, I wonder if they need further modification?
I forgot to say, the yoke is catching on the underneath of the clock mounting bracket.........it looks to be about 5/6mm high. The only option I could see using the standard yoke would be to machine this from the underneath......there isn't any option to pack it out, as unfortunately it's the welded part of the subframe.............everything else clears with no problem........
if ya usin tiger stanchions, can ya not use a tiger yoke instead of the sprint ones ?
Rob, the yokes i have are from the early Speed Triple with the flat bar conversion, a bit rare and hard to get hold of apparently?
Your Thunderbird top yoke should work ok, it`s the same as the Legend etc, although the handlebar clamps are a little further forward, meaning your handlebars will be about an inch further away from you as you sit on the bike.
I`ll take a couple of pics over the weekend if you still need them by then.
Looking at your pics again, it looks like the front part of the yokes where the clamp bolts go through sticks out, is this whats catching?
Quote from: "rybes"if ya usin tiger stanchions, can ya not use a tiger yoke instead of the sprint ones ?
Can`t use the original yokes as the forks sit further apart with the 3 spoke wheel. :)
Rob, heres the Legend TT top yoke i have, if you compare it to your Sprint yoke, you`ll see the clamp bolts are at the back, so will fit without catching the clock frame?
Quote from: "rf9rider"Quote from: "rybes"if ya usin tiger stanchions, can ya not use a tiger yoke instead of the sprint ones ?
Can`t use the original yokes as the forks sit further apart with the 3 spoke wheel. :)
aaaaaaaaaaaaah ok :wink:
after spendin 30 mins a wheel cleanin each spoke and all the awkward corners on the hubs in the wheels, it got me thinkin bout 3 spoke conversion. been lookin throo for a good side on pic of a steamer with 3 spokes but cant find one. anyone got one. sorry t hijack ya post rob.
Check my conversion here:
I used the tiger forks though as Mustang did....
Quote from: "rybes"been lookin throo for a good side on pic of a steamer with 3 spokes but cant find one. anyone got one. sorry t hijack ya post rob.
Thanks for the replies.
Mark.............you're quite right, it's the top yoke clamp that's catching..........I offered up my TB stuff this morning, and you're right, it's a fit, but will also need the bottom yoke (and of course painting black!!)....I'll have to see if the tiger bar risers fit.
I've asked around about the triple top yoke............not common and £120 new.
cheers for the pics and links 8) now i jus gotta do some decidin :icon_scratch
At least now you know the problem.
There were a few bottom yokes on Ebay, although i may need the handlebar clamp as well as i haven`t yet tried the Steamer bar clamps in the Legend yokes.
I had a root through my garage tonight, and found some TB bits.....top and bottom yoke........decided to just go ahead and install them. For info, the tiger handlebar clamps fit straight in. I've attached some pictures........in a nutshell, better, but not perfect. The top yoke does now clear the subframe, but would still clunk on the underside of the plastic clock surround, which will have to be relieved-probably have the lip removed at the front (Mark.....please would you mind having a look at your to see if anything was trimmed to help with the clearance). The TB top yoke looks like it needs the speedo mounting lugs machining off to help the cables have somewhere to live......I'm going to try and get that bit done over the next few days. The other negative of the TB bottom yoke is that it doesn't have a mounting for the cable splitter.........I'm going to run with the TB stuff, but keep and eye out for the speed triple bits........just out of interest.
and look at this as a way to spend cash!!.....................
http://www.mandp.co.uk/productinfo/3376 ... Conversion (http://www.mandp.co.uk/productinfo/337631/Bars-And-Footrests/Top-Yoke-Conversions/MFW/Top-Yoke-Conversion)
Those MFW yoke kits are decent quality, had a set on my YZF750, and Jack Lilley does a similar conversion kit, can`t remember the price.
I`ve just been out and measured the Speed Triple yokes, they`re 25mm thick, maybe the TB yokes are thicker and catching the clock bracket?
Good info about the TB yokes, i`ve only fitted them to my spare, bare frame, so you know more than me about them!
As for the brake cables, i`m fitting two single brake lines and doing away with the splitter, i`ll look into that problem when and if it arises, although still getting a few bits now and then ready for next winter when i start the new project.
My Speed Triple yokes don`t foul anywhere, the clocks/bracket are standard as it came with the standard wheels and yokes when i bought it, i`ve done the conversion myself so i know i haven`t had to mod anything to fit the yokes.
I have a spare set of Tiger bar clamps, so glad to know they fit ok. :)
And heres another one for Rybes, i now have the same wheels on mine as the 3 spoke rims i had on were leaking around the rim, they just need sand blasting and repainting,
Not my bike, just a pic i found on the net.
Having looked closely at the TB yokes today, I'm not sure that they are going to be a success story. I think that the difference in thickness of the yoke is the key, and I would think you'd struggle to safely remove that much material. I have ended up ordering the replacement top yoke, and I'm going to use that with the sprint bottom yoke................. If you get a minute Mark, please could you get a photo of the top yoke from your bike.
I`ll get a pic in the morning after work.
Here you go Rob.
Need anything else just ask.
Thanks for the pics................I have a feeling that the yoke is an american spec speed triple..............I read that they were fitted with bars, not clip ons........I think that these could be the ones...but then maybe not, as they are for the later speed triple...................
Rob, i got all my info from Sandy at Triumph-ant.
Might be worth you giving him a call, he`s a good, friendly man.
http://www.triumph-ant.co.uk/ (http://www.triumph-ant.co.uk/)
Sorry to butt in guys. What are the advantages regarding handling by doing this conversion? I have been tweaking my suspension for the last couple of months and pretty much have it spot on. The only weakness at present is in tight S bends where the bike is hard work to pick up and drop over for direction change. I've written this off as being high center of gravity and top heavy but am receptive to mods that could alleviate this.
Haven`t had time to ride a lot yet, but it handles way much better than the spoke wheels.
As Mustang says, it rides like its on rails.
Rob, mystery solved about my top yoke.
I removed the top yoke this morning, what a pain in the ass, it seems the yoke is a standard Trident one, the old bar holes have been filled and welded, and underneath, the bottom part of the yoke where the bar clamp bolts go through has been built up with weld and smoothed off, the top part of the bar clamp mounts also have been welded on.
Looks a decent enough job as it does look standard from the top!
Never noticed this when i did the swap, was in too much of a hurry to get the front end fitted.
Had a look at the LegendTT yoke i have, i can`t see a problem removing the offending lugs at the front?
Heres a couple of pics.
Hi Mark, thanks for going to all that effort....................what I can't understand is why yours clears the clock subframe and mine doesn't. Do you have both locknuts for the bottom yoke on? I can't imagine that your subframe is different, or that it's been raised, as it would throw everything else out............looking at the picture, has the lip on the bottom of the yoke been removed where the stem goes through?
No problem, its all back together again, it was bugging me too.
I have both locknuts on the stem.
I`ve just compared my clock frame to yours, theres no difference.
Only thing i can think of is the Sprint yokes have the holes for the stanchions further forward than mine, making it catch the frame?
I take it the Thunderbird forks didn`t catch the frame, just the clock mounting plate?
How do the fork holes to stem distance compare on the TB and the Sprint?
Out of interest, have you tried using the TB top yoke with the Sprint bottom yoke?
This would tell you if the holes are further forward?
yes, they dont line up the TBy okes are further forward by about 5mm
Missed the bit about the lip, its flush with the rest of the bottom yoke, so don`t know if it had a lip as i got it like this.
I`ve just had a browse on Ebay and can`t see anything to compare mine with, if there was a lip on the bottom?
Well, I swapped my yokes over with another different sprint set, and have come up with exactly the same problem......I'll attach a couple of pictures......the only difference I can see is the lip I mentioned doesn't appear to be on your top yoke, but even machine off, that would only give a max of 4mm.........apart from that I really don't understand the differences........I have the Speed triple yoke on order, so may just have to wait for that.
Rob, finally discovered my yokes are from a 91-94 Trophy 1200.
Doesn`t help you much but thought i`d let you know. :)
thanks for that info. I know you had your speedo cable custom made, but I was looking on sprint's website tonight and found out that the standard tiger is 101cm, they do a cable at 108cm and 126cm, and they are £15, which I know is a lot less than you had to pay. I'll have a measure up and work out which would be best.
Yup, was told by Sandy that the only option for the speedo cable was to have my original modded by Venhill Engineering, cost me £30 plus P&P!
Never knew Sprint did them, will try them for the project bike if you get one ok from them. :)
Well, the postie has been in my absence and delivered a replacement top yoke......It fits, it clears, and now I can get on with putting the bike back together.....
Looks smart Rob.
How was the holiday? :)
good enough, but I was missing my bikes.............and wanted to get this sorted (I know-sad git)....I really did want this to be a simple job, which if you have the right parts it is........just whether your wallet can stand it........in the end I did well with the top yoke.......retails at 255 euros and I got it delivered for 99........but I have a pile of spare top and bottom yokes, and the sprint type do seem to differ......with different spacing from the centre spindle......My bike also seems to be even higher than before :-) .............might have to lose the corbin, or get it altered (it needs a re-cover anyway).........I would invert the spindle, but I really wanted to fit a hugger......so plenty to sort yet!!
So which bottom yoke did you end up using?
It's a '96 sprint lower yoke..........I can probably try and get a part number off it if you need it.........I really don't know how they use the T'bird stuff.......
Thanks, only for future reference, a long way to go before i start the new build.
Well it's been kinda slow getting there, but she's nearly finished. I've just ordered a new Hagon to drop the rear an inch and a bit, got the rear hugger to fit and a few bits and bobs..oh like a speedo cable :-) ......but not far off........oh yes, and the 6 pots certainly stop her :-)
Looking good Rob.
Does the new top yoke bring the bars further back?
Looks like it in the pic?
thats lookin good that is rob 8) ill have to get round to it one day :lol:
Quote from: "rybes"thats lookin good that is rob 8) ill have to get round to it one day :lol:
Its a pretty easy conversion, bits to do it are a lot cheaper than the Roadie swap!
I honestly don't know about the bars..........I think it's also slightly restricted the lock. I need to get the new rear shock on before I do anything like ride it again......I'm on tiptoes......I used to think I was 'normal' at 6' and a 32" inside leg..............the tiger currently makes me feel like a dwarf on a big bike!!
Know that feeling, with the rear six spoke which is 18 inch, i had to rotate the eccentric adjusters, i can now put the front half of both feet on the floor now!
Rob, can i ask a favor ? could you measure the length of the forks from the top to the center of the wheel spindle for me.
cheers mate :D
Rybes, mine is 865mm from top of fork, level with top yoke,to spindle centre.
cheers RF. looks like ill be doin the common 3 spoke conversion then as the standard length is 880mm and the 1050 length is 825mm. thats a bit to short for my likin and would probably change the handlin charecteristics a bit to much for me. bit gutted really as i like the 1050 rims. still, i spose they can be fitted with a bit of fiddlin :?
Rob, would it be possible of you could list all the parts youve used to do yours with ? thanks mate
Quote from: "R0B"Well it's been kinda slow getting there, but she's nearly finished. I've just ordered a new Hagon to drop the rear an inch and a bit, got the rear hugger to fit and a few bits and bobs..oh like a speedo cable :-) ......but not far off........oh yes, and the 6 pots certainly stop her :-)
Hey! I see a sprint just like mine behind the nice red tigger you got there! You have good taste. My Sprint is green, too.
The reason I wanted to be able to do my project bike with standard parts is because of my other project bike, which has been stalled a while. It's further on than in this picture........but still needs attention.
The list of parts for the tiger conversion is roughly as follows:
Early Trophy, Sprint or Trident fork sliders and gubbins (mine were bent, but the stanchions didn't matter)
sprint or trophy 3 spoke wheels/discs/brakes/spindle, speedo drive, front mudguard
Longer speedo cable (I've measured it, and it needs to be 6" longer, but sprint do one 10" longer for £16, so I'm going with that one.)
sprint '96 bottom yoke
German RRT top yoke
http://cgi.ebay.de/Triumph-Speed-Triple ... 1222wt_932 (http://cgi.ebay.de/Triumph-Speed-Triple-CNC-gefraste-Gabelbrucke-Rairotec-/320458034127?pt=Motorrad_Kraftradteile&hash=item4a9cc98bcf#ht_1222wt_932)
I noticed that Lilleys have the LSL kit for sale at £150, which is a bargain, but I can't swear it fits and it would need the clock brackets removing to allow for the cables.
http://www.jacklilley.com/buy/LSL-Super ... 20T003#eq1 (http://www.jacklilley.com/buy/LSL-Superbike-Conversion-Trident-Trophy900-Sprint-SprintSport900/120T003#eq1)
Lower front brake hoses..mine were Goodridge. I replaced all the fork seals and bushes. I replaced the tiger spring with some 20% upgraded Trophy ones from sprint manufacturing, put in the tiger stanchions, 15w fork oil measured 250mm from the top of the tube, and 15mm of pre-load on the spacer (I can't yet comment on the set up yet but it seems ok)
Think that's about it
cheers Rob, thats goin to make thigs alot easier for me :D
that tb looks great by the way 8) 10 outta 10 for that one :wink:
when you say early. what years are we talkin about here ? cheers :D
Early is mainly pre `98, as most of the T3 Triumphs are roughly the same.
All my front end parts came from a 95 Trident, and 96 Trophy.
The main thing to watch out for with the fork bottoms is to make sure the damper rod bolt is the same size as the Steamer ones.
I`ve got another front end conversion to do soon, i`ll take some pics and post them here if it helps.
cheers rf. the reason i ask is ive found some wheels for sale from a 97 and i wanna make sure their the right ones before i buy em ;)
If the wheels are from a Trophy, Trident or Sprint with carbs they should fit ok.
You`ll need 310mm brake discs too.
there of a t595. i now reckon they aint gunna fit are they ?
No mate, the actual wheel "might" fit but the discs will be too big, they`re 320mm on those i think?
And the 310mm and 320mm discs are not interchangeable between the two models wheels.
I know the forks on the T595 are very different, they use a different size caliper too.
cheers for that RF. im so glad i asked here first and actually waited instead of rushin out and buyin stuff willy nilly. thats not like me at all. could i be growin up ???? :shock:
how bout a tt600 wheel and discs ?
Don`t think so mate.
From my experience, you need wheels from a T3 carb model, there was a cheap front wheel on Ebay, £40 buy it now from an early Sprint thats being broken.
gutted theres a tt600 wheel with discs goin cheap on ebay. i dont like ebay at the mo.i jus missed out on a brand new petrol tap for 8 quid by 30 secs :evil:
musta missed that one. got one im watchin now tho for 45 quid start. fingers crossed