Hey All...finally got out my steamer for a long weekend on a 1200 mile journey to Germany and Amsterdam in 4 days....noticed a flat spot when accellerating around 4500-5500 rpms in most gears...everything on her in terms of air, fuel and pipes are standard and not sure if she did it before (a new purchase)....dont notice in the city when I accellerate but have noticed a few times on the highway under speed....what could it be?
That's the "OH SHIT!" passing inhibitor system kicking in. It's a standard feature on all Steamers.
Is the right airbox inlet capped or not? Supposed to be capped.
Quote from: "tomski"Hey All...finally got out my steamer for a long weekend on a 1200 mile journey to Germany and Amsterdam in 4 days....noticed a flat spot when accellerating around 4500-5500 rpms in most gears...everything on her in terms of air, fuel and pipes are standard and not sure if she did it before (a new purchase)....dont notice in the city when I accellerate but have noticed a few times on the highway under speed....what could it be?
what carbs keihins or mikunis ?
keihins came from the factory with that flat spot ............shim the needles up about .030 of an inch will dramatically cure it and if done with 105 main jets at the same time try to keep the shit eating grin to a minimum.
Thanks all...will check out and report back :)