
Tiger Time => Steamers (1993-1998 Tigers) => Topic started by: tomski on July 02, 2011, 05:31:07 PM

Title: Head gasket gone?
Post by: tomski on July 02, 2011, 05:31:07 PM
So I purchased a steamer with relatively low mileage (17k) for decent money (its a 1998 but first reg 2003)...apparently there was an issue with as it was blowing smoke and the previous owner this may (just before my purchase) replaceed piston rings, gaskets, air filter and a bunch of seals at a cost of £800....got the receipt and the garage details etc so all genuine and above board...

I rode the bike to germany and back and a few local trips, must say that i have been riding it rather agressive but not foolish and now seemst hat the head gasket started to leak (brown leak stains from 4 or 5 places) and just yesterday it went to just under red on the temp gauge and pissed water out from the overflow...so I'm guessing its the head gasket but wonder why...could it be that the previous mechanic didnt plane the head or similar? It was fine for about a month or so and now this rather expensive exercise again....

I was planning to use this bike for my trip to australia and now i'm worried that it could have a shot engine or something, or is that not such a big deal?
Post by: rybes on July 02, 2011, 05:50:48 PM
sounds like a head gasket but it could also be a stuck thermostat. can ya get a compression check done on it before ya strip it down. head gasket on thems an easy enuff job. 4-5 hours should see it finished.  good way to spend an afternoon if ya ask me.  :D
Post by: tomski on July 02, 2011, 06:13:23 PM
well i can see leak stains (brownish in colour) from a few spots around the head/engine casing leaking, so that's defo not been there before....i'll check the thermostat also just n case but guessing if its leaking then the gasket must go...

does anyone know where i can get the head planed?
Post by: JetdocX on July 02, 2011, 06:18:27 PM
Any good machine shop can mill that head flat again as long as it's not too warped.  The machinist will know.
Post by: tomski on July 02, 2011, 06:43:31 PM
when doing this should i change any other gaskets etc?
Post by: CoolHandLuke on July 02, 2011, 07:15:24 PM
Change the thermostat, check the fan works and, for good measure, check the waterpump is fine.

Get a head gasket, a cam cover gasket and a water pump gasket.

You will more than likely get away with re-using the cam cover gasket, but it's nice having one lay around just in case.
Post by: rybes on July 02, 2011, 07:17:49 PM
ive just changed the head gasket in the past but you could do with gettin the engine cover gasket for the timin chain cover.  you also want to be careful you dont disturb the liners in the block as you could get water goin into the oil. as their independant from the block. ive changed 2 head gaskets and only had to reseal the liners once. thats a real easy job. just do one at a time and youll be fine. somewhere on this forum is a link to a triumph tiger workshop manual, the real thing not haynes. turn it into your gideons and youll be fine ;)
Post by: D-Fuzz on July 02, 2011, 07:19:23 PM
I thought I read something about the chance of the cylinder liners moving when taking the head off.  Seeing that the engine has already been apart, is there a chance that has happened and the mechanic didn't notice?  I guess the obvious is to check the simplest things first.  Hopefully it is something simple.  Good luck!
Post by: rybes on July 02, 2011, 07:20:41 PM
check your oil for water. thatll be a sure sign the liner seal has broke. its only hylomar so its a cheap fix if it has gone
Post by: tomski on July 02, 2011, 07:55:33 PM
Thanks all, checked the oil, no water (thats obvious anyway)..as said there are obvious leaks or stains of water drip from a few areas along the gasket..and the fan works too...not sure how to check the pump though...
Post by: JetdocX on July 03, 2011, 02:39:50 AM
Plan on resealing the cylinders.  I got to do a head gasket twice due to that mistake. :roll:
Post by: tomski on July 03, 2011, 02:33:14 PM
Righto, have found instructions so will reseal again...could have been why it failed so soon after the install in may....
Post by: Mustang on July 03, 2011, 02:48:56 PM
Quote from: "tomski"By resealing the cylinders do you mean cylinder liners? and if so how does one fix it?
when the head is off , you pull the liners up off the pistons , clean out the crud at the bottom of the water box and make sure all the old sealant is removed from the machined step where they sit , coat liberally with HYLOMAR sealant and reassemble .
If you omit this step you are likely to have leaks into the bottom end which will munch the rod bearings eventually .
some people get lucky and don't get leaks if they don't reseal the liners ....some do
cheap insurance to reseal
Post by: tomski on July 03, 2011, 09:21:29 PM
Right, most of it is off, removing the head tomorrow will get it machined just in case...will also reseal the liners etc...

havent removed the oil though, should I? and what should I clean the head and cams with, will petrol do?

any other pointers prior to install?
Post by: Mustang on July 03, 2011, 11:16:15 PM
Quote from: "tomski"Right, most of it is off, removing the head tomorrow will get it machined just in case...will also reseal the liners etc...

havent removed the oil though, should I? and what should I clean the head and cams with, will petrol do?

any other pointers prior to install?
kerosene or parrafin for you british folks...........

try not to get anything in the crankcase and flush and change oil before you start it up
Post by: tomski on July 07, 2011, 10:06:51 PM
righto head is off (took me a while due to work), bit of crappy water in the water box...cant find a machine shop around where i am (south london) but wil keep looking...also ordered a gasket kit which is coming tomorrow...so as soon as i machine it will start putting it together...learnt loads so far anyway :)
Post by: BruKen on July 07, 2011, 10:53:07 PM
Smear a thin layer of blue dye on the mating face and place on sheet glass. That'll tell you quick enough if you are wasting your time and money. Warped heads are rarer these days of modern metallurgy. You'd have to have really abused the engine... overheated ... to get it to warp. More likely a poor gasket, incorrectly torqued down head combo imho.
Post by: rybes on July 07, 2011, 10:53:18 PM
if you want to check if the heads flat, get yaself a flat piece of steel and put it corner to popposin corner then see if you can get a feeler gauage under it. do this to both corners and see what ya get. then do it acroos the head length ways then width ways. if you can get a feeler gauage under the steel itll need machinin. ;) if you can find one long enough a stainless steel engineers ruler would be ideal:D
Post by: tomski on August 17, 2011, 12:47:58 AM
Hi all, just a bit of an update, so what happened was the following...when the head was off the first time (previous owner's mechanic apparently) I think one of the head bolts (no 8 to be exact) was either stretched or somehow crapped itself as on the first torque tightening it snapped on me...so got to buy another head gasket and new bolts...

The other thing I found is that when lifting the liners I could not find any evidence of previoius sealant....so assuming that the previous chap didnt seal them for some reason....

All in all I'm guessing those two reasons were why I had to change the head gasket again...almost gave up and was going to fix and sell the bike but faith restored now somewhat hearing it running again....with any luck thats the last bit of major work for a while as I do love the bike especially since I got some lowered pegs from Mustang (which are awesome by the way) the bike fits me like an old glove :)
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