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whats stronger than Nitromors? Restoring a Soosucki

Started by BruKen, March 03, 2012, 10:24:31 PM

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The latest recipe is rubbish. Old Nitromors spilt on the skin burnt worse than the second passing of a Vindaloo from hell. New recipe, is a good hand degreaser. Does fokoll to paintwork.
I need a paint stripper with attitude. Any suggestions from the UK crew?


yes I know what you mean, with the older recipie you only had to take the lid off the can and you could see paint peeling off everything in a 10 yard radius..  :D   only thing i've done in the past is to cover whatever you're stripping with some polythene, seems to stop the stripper drying out (oo-er!) whilsts its left to do its thing..

anyway, maybe worth a try of this stuff? not used it myself, but the stuff from frosts is normally good.. ... quart.html


Thank you Neil. Sounds the biz, I'll give it a whirl.

Nick Calne

My home made pickled onions with chilli's are pretty awesome for paint stripping if that's any help.
Is it really an adventure bike if its wheels never see dirt?


I swear by Nitromors. At least I did, but with health and saftey they made it so piss weak that really it's fekking useless. Look what it did to my panel!!! Half paint on, half off, one big effing mess. Gonna take a whole day to prep that to basecoat

I hate body putty. You know you fucked up when you have to use it like this. F*ck you Nitromors!!

Soon the whole bloody fairing looked like it had it on ....

probably because it did!!

this one's ready for the primer basecoat now. A whole weekend just to get it there.

Not to be put of by Nitromors going all pussy I got me some jungle juice stripper. Guarranteed to put hairs on your chest kind :D

Look at that baby cook. Yeehah!

Only it started eating into my fairing too and all the paint flakes stuck to the goo

I can fubar something up even better on a second attempt  :oops:

so which is worse? Nitromors or Jungle Juice  :evil:

Well this was too bad even for body putty. I needed a high fill primer on steroids and with some reluctance bought a 2pak high filler. I hate 2pak. The stuff is lethal but it's all you can get from the pro vendors these days. You not supposed to do resto work yourself these days... to much H&S BS.

So I got me one of these :D Wicked  :twisted:

Three thick coats later and we can begin resurfacing for a basecoat primer.... after a day of sanding

and finally, I now have 2 panels ready for basecoats /primer. only 5 more to go and one petro tank ..... before starting suspension work

(Sometimes I wonder why I begin a job )

Nick Calne

I'm loving the 'look' Bruken, I think we have discovered a tigertriple style guru.  8)
Is it really an adventure bike if its wheels never see dirt?


Quote from: "nickcalne"I'm loving the 'look' Bruken, I think we have discovered a tigertriple style guru.  8)

Just tell me why every year I have this overwhelming desire to rebuild another discarded peace of crap motorcycle.  :?  Every year I haemorrage money in something arbitary when really I should just buy something half decent. I cant swing a cat in my garage for the rubbish I've collected now and that is even after I sell project bikes on to make room for the next one. All except the Tigger. I'm keeping that one for a while, what a ride!


well all's well that ends well. Finally got over the paint stripper debacle

Got some more time in this weekend

finally ready for flatting and colour coats

Geez who knew masking tape would be so bloody difficult to get right. Not perfect but near as damnit. Now for red and the gray striping coats before final clear coat.


Still to do...

wash, a touchup ...  :evil:  ... and a clear coat x 3

the touch up .....

the masking tape lifed on the curve when the thinned paint hit the edge...


Well, I got some more time in and put on the clear coats

Time to wash the frame and assemble

Then the PITA decals

and finally to park her for a couple of weeks while the paint hardens through

Just have the rear swing arm and wheel rims to do... but that can wait till next service when I change the disc rotors and tyres.


Very nice, i`ve always liked the red,white and black scheme.
Wanted something similar for my Tiger, but with the shape of the Tiger tank and panels, i can`t seem to find a scheme that works other than one solid colour.

Here`s the rattlecan job i did on my old `Ace  :)


Thats excellent for a rattle can job :shock:  I wouldnt have believed it...well done, I take my comments back about rattle cans


Never again though, by the time i priced up the cost of the cans, i could have had it done professionally  :lol:

Although there was something satisfying knowing i did it myself.