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Love, life and death

Started by Spud, December 19, 2012, 08:51:46 PM

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Just a thought to you all. Love the people you love and tell them so, say things you want to say and don't put it off. As you do not know when it's all going to end, my brother who was fit and well apparently got up in the middle of the night for a piss as you do when you reach a certain age, coughed and dropped down dead.
I'm not looking for your sympathies although I know on this site I have them, this is just to say live your live, love life and those in it.

cheers Spud  :thumbsup


Good sentiments, especially at this time of year.

All the best to you and your family Spud, may you draw close together in grief and give your brother a great send off.
No good deed goes unpunished
02 Tigger
02 Blackbird
75 GT380
IBA #33180

Geoff W

I can only echo ADVWANNABE's  fine sentiments. Blessings to your family, Geoff.
It\'s ok , this will only take 5 minutes.
96 Pimento Red Steamer.


I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


I quite reluctantly went to bed last night, the house is empty at the moment the Mrs being the other side of the world visiting family. I put some music on as my bruv loved his music and started thinking that I will more than likley have to do the eulogy.I can honestly say more than one tear rolled down my checks to end up wetting my pillow. 
So what can I say about a guy that did things his own way and always seemed to be swimming upstream, I could mention the marathon poker nights/weekends. I could mention going to the offy with a shoping trolly and filling it for an impromtu party. The banning from public house's for singing obscene sea shanties we did'nt think our voices were that bad. 
But the one thing that I think sums the man up and his attitude to life and hopefully will leave a lesson for the rest of us, is the time I walked into his house on his oldest daughters 16th birthday, to see him wrapping her birthday present, I asked him what he had bought her, (he just gave me a look that I grew to learn the meaning of "Here's a liitle lesson for you!)he did not say a word but passed me a book called "The joy of sex" I looked at him and said you can't give a 16 year old that book, he just replied "if she is not doing it now she will be, I would rather her being doing right, well and enjoying it"

So I pass these words onto you, if your going to do it, do it well, do it right and most of all enjoy it and live your life for your sake and of those's around you. I would just like to add thank you for the messages especially the private one, I hope you all have a merry Christmas and an extremely happy new year.
May your God go with you all the best from the Murphy Clan.

Cheers Spud   :thumbsup

John Stenhouse

That's a fine eulogy right there Spud, best wishes,

Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting

Bixxer Bob

Sad news Spud, sorry to hear it, but as you say, we never know when it'll be our turn so make the most of every moment.

Regarding the eulogy; I only know of your brother what you've told us here, but he sounds like someone who said what he thought.  As you know, I listened to my friend's 16 yr old daughter read the euolgy she'd written for her dad recently.  It was beautifully written and came from the heart with the unembarrassed honesty of a such a young person.  All her love for him poured out in that passage.

So I would say, don't worry about what others might think, or how they might not understand.  Be true to yourself, tell of the times he made you laugh, made you cry, whatever moves you, but most of all be true to him.

Chin up,  BB
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


So sorry to hear the dreadful news Spud.
Unfortunately with our hobby we have many absent mates at get togethers and the numbers seem to decrease every year, really feel for you at this time of year.
Perhaps it is something in the water in the South East of England we tend to have a party to celebrate the all the crazy things and good times we had with the person. I remember vividly shacking when I got the job of reading the eulogy of a close life-long mate, the writing made me cry with sadness and joy. I can still hear the roars of laughter in the church from the family and friends at the celebration of his life.
As said before if it makes you feel better do it and don't care if others mock, as their life is not as rich as yours as they did not know your brother.
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I may as well do it, as I'm gonna get blamed for it anyway.