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Getting Your Thoughts....

Started by TigerTrax, September 29, 2008, 03:33:03 PM

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2008 marks the 6th year of the Tiger Ride-In Event. One that has brought many Tiger riders together across the country. We try to hold the event in at least 2 parts of the country each year simply to help save travel time and attract more regional riders.

Our largest gathering was 62 motorcycles/52 Tigers. Ironically an ideal number for where we were ( Jasper, AR ).

Now we get about 15-30 since we've split the locations and hold 2-3 each year, we're trying to attract more.

RAT wanted us as part of their schedule but our riders were not in favor
of losing control to RAT. We liked our little - informal get together.

We do not invite vendors. We do not charge a fee. We have camping, hotel, and 'conveniences nearby.

For those who have never tried to organize something like this..... it takes MANY months of prep work to find the ideal spot, make the local contacts, reserve camp sites / block hotel rooms / find restaurants that can accomodate or line up BBQ; Map 'loop rides' and interesting destination
points, and find riders who know the area and can lead groups. So you see, it's more than just getting together.

With that said: Questions:
Does an event like this interest you enough to attend?

Would want a multi-day where you stay in one area for 2-3 days?

Would you want a ONE DAY - Pass Thru event where it is held in a remote
area, you show up for lunch/dinner/stay one night  ... then move on the next day. The meeting place remote enough that the journey is the event.

How far would you travel ONE WAY for an event like this?
( We have riders who ahve traveled 2000 miles ONE WAY )

Why would you NOT attend an event like either one of these ?
\'Life\'s A Journey ..... Don\'t Miss A Turn\'


I've only done one of these so far (Davis, WV), and had a blast. The trip down was pretty draining because we pushed too hard, but we had a good ride home.

Quote from: "TigerTrax"Questions:
Does an event like this interest you enough to attend?
Yes! Provided work allows me the time off.

Quote from: "TigerTrax"Would want a multi-day where you stay in one area for 2-3 days?
Personally, I prefer to have more time to visit with fellow owners, get to know people a little, and also get to know the area a bit. This is why I would favor a multi-day event over a 1 day..

Quote from: "TigerTrax"Would you want a ONE DAY - Pass Thru event where it is held in a remote
area, you show up for lunch/dinner/stay one night  ... then move on the next day. The meeting place remote enough that the journey is the event.
See above

Quote from: "TigerTrax"How far would you travel ONE WAY for an event like this?
( We have riders who ahve traveled 2000 miles ONE WAY )
The trip do Davis for us was nearly 1000 miles due to construction and deviations from the planned route. With the stock seat, that was ROUGH. I recently threw on a Corbin, so I bet I could do 1000 in a day NOW without too much trouble, though I can't speak for my better half. Ultimately I'd say 750 miles is probably a good number.

Quote from: "TigerTrax"Why would you NOT attend an event like either one of these ?
Work constraints and having other plans... I'll definitely be coming to one of these next year. I wish I could make(have made?) the Jasper one this year.

Cheers Jerry!  :occasion14
Current Bike: 2005 Tiger in Silver.
Former Bike (also my first): 1980 KZ650


I am firm believer that we want to make our own choices. A multi-day event will appeal to a greater number of riders.  Choices between camping and motel/hotels will also increase participation.   I have only owned my tiger for less than 2 years but I truly enjoyed my first East Coast Tiger Ride-in.  I would like to attend the event in Jasper but just do not have the time this year.   In 2009 I will plan to make the trip to Jasper.   You started a great event 6 years ago and I thank you for your commitment to the ride-ins.

John Stenhouse

I am going to get to one of the ride ins next time I come over, unfortunately that wont be for a least two years!
My tuppence worth is  a multi day event, as said before part of the fun is to meet other Tiger riders and single day events don't let you do that to the same degree.
A remote location wouldn't attract me either, for the same reasons
hope that helps
Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting