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Closing air flow on windshield?

Started by birddogone, January 26, 2013, 02:10:07 PM

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Several weeks ago I took a 25 mile ride in a hard rain to see how the tiger would perform and was pleased with the result. The only thing I would like to change is the rain coming inside the cockpit by way of the rear air flow on the the windshield. I understand the reason for the dynamics but is it really necessary on such a small screen?   Question is, has anyone had success with closing the intake with foam or some other material to stop this from happening?
2006 Caspian Blue Tiger

"If it doesn't run on fossil fuel or gun powder I'm not interested"


I've gone the other way by lifting my screen up about 25mm from the fairing, which seems to lessen the 'funneling effect' of the rain up inside the screen, and decrease buffeting. Photos of mine are in the 'Girlies' section, search 'Screen buffeting'



I went and put on a completely different and very much larger 'screen. And in so doing enlarged the opening. Now the bugger's so quiet I am considering a radio.


(Pics in Palmer thread)
Life is too important to be taken seriously.


In my opinion, you have the best after market screen made for less wind buffeting. Are you saying that you dont want to get wet in a rainstorm? I dont think any screen is going to keep you, your cockpit, or you out of the rain.  :XXsunsmile


Say Fellas, It's not a buffeting problem just rain coming in over the dash.....After riding motorcycle cross country for over 30 years I've ridden in more than my share of rain, I just find it odd rain passing through a windsheild.....My original thought was, if I close the opening will it have an adverse effect on turbulence? I guess the best way to find out is just try it out.
Thanks for all the responses!
2006 Caspian Blue Tiger

"If it doesn't run on fossil fuel or gun powder I'm not interested"

Bixxer Bob

I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


Why not put a sponge in the opening? If you like it you can look for a more permanent solution, if you don't like it the sponge is removed in a second.