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Started by retsof, June 09, 2013, 08:10:02 PM

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hello all....
I am retsof from the UK and i ride a black 98 steamer and i love my bike. yeah i,m that weird.. :icon_lol:.
now i,ll admit to lurking on here for a fair while soaking up the combined knowledge available.. but now its time to join cos i have a question...  i have done the jet conversion to my carbs and its great no flat spots, pulls cleaner, just feels and sounds better.... but my tiger has gone from being a one push on the button starter to a right bitch..... winds on and on till the batt starts to go flat and then BANG which scares kids and small animals... put another batt nearby with jump leads and it will go... once started its fine,runs great.... to be honest im stumped....... i,m going to get a new battery to see if that helps.....
i just wondered if ive done or missed something....
                                                                             many thanks andy



Welcome! There are plenty of folks here more experienced than I on the steamers, but seeing as no one has replied yet, I'll give a crack at it:

The new jets might make it run a bit rich, which at start up could cause an issue, especially if you are starting while choked, further enriching the circuit. Have you tried starting at no/partial choke? Did you replace the pilot jets or just the mains? You could try tweaking the idle air mixture a bit leaner and see if that has any effect.

Hope that helps!


check your valve clearances.............. :thumbsup
tight intakes will do that


hello again  :wave thanks for the replys rallyroo and mustang. i have finally had time to check the valves and thats the problem! the intakes are closed
and a couple of the exhaust are a bit tight as well !!  this is what i found.. 

EX   152  178  20  160  114  152

IN    05   10    10  139  038  063

so mustang your advise was spot on thank you.  :thumbsup
