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What Should a nOOb Look For: Tiger T400, 1995, 20'500 miles

Started by Birdy68, August 28, 2009, 01:01:15 PM

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Hello Tiger owners,

The reason for me wrting this post, is the fact that I am a nOOB in the knowledge (or lack there-of) of Tigers and would like some advice from you competent Steamer owners!

I'm looking into getting a used Tiger 900 (T400 - March 1995).
See linked image below:

It has around 20'500 miles on the clock, has a valid MOT (road test) and has a standard :roll: 3 months guarantee.

I will be going to look at it in person - tomorrow, so my question(s) to you are:
- What should I be looking at? -beside when the last service was
 -- Chain set/cogs wear
 -- Oil leaks
 -- Front forks
 -- Cables
 -- etc.

- What costs could I expect to come up in the near future?

- Are these bikes as 'solid' as they say they are?

- Is this a resonable bike to start looking at taking up some easy enduro tours?
I don't want to fork out a shed load of money on something like a wizz-bang F800GS to find out it's not what I like...

I enjoy getting my hands dirty so a bit of mechanical work is always a highlight for me! It helps bond man with machine!

I've just gone throught the STICKY threads:
- Maintenance Guide
and also
- Steamer Wisdom and Illustrated 'How-To' Threads

Thanks for your advice in advance - it's greatly apreciated.
Leave the pork pies for now - get the sausage rolls while they\'re hot!

Nick Calne

I'm sure the posts will cover all the typical things such as DAR, coils, sprag etc... One thing I would say as a fairly recent convert to Steamers is have a look at the fasteners.  Torx heads, odd 18mm bolts, big allen key sizes...  There are quite a few slightly unusual tools required to maintain this bike.  Best buy them at the same time as the bike or you'll spend the first few weeks going back and forth to the tool shop.

I would want to know that the valves have been adjusted too.  Saves a big bill at the dealers.

I wasn't certain I'd like it when I bought it, but for all the eccentricities I have encountered with the bike, it's very probably my favourite ever.  Bike, solid, comfy, safe with some real muscle.
Is it really an adventure bike if its wheels never see dirt?


nickcalne has covered the main issues, and if you have done your homework in the threads there won't be much else to know. DAR is probably the trickiest as the triples sound a bit mechanical on idle anyway a bit hard to tell if your not used to sound of an OK vs not OK engine.

There is a rub block on the swinging arm that wears unlikely to have worn through at that mileage but an easy check.

It certainly looks original and good condition as far as you can tell from the picture if it seems a genuine un-abused bike go for it.

I love mine - off for a ride once I have written this and finished breakfast   :D



The deed is done - I'm in the Tiger club...  :D

Went for a test ride yesterday morning. Looked over the bike and only saw the rear cog was worn (meaning a new chain set was required). Other than that it was dry all over - no leaks or sweating.

I asked about the DAR element, the dealer assured me it was solid.
Question: Could I not take it appart and fix it with some locktight anyways?

On the test ride I found that it pulled evenly all the way to the point I my tears were running horizontally AND I didn't want to go faster!  :lol:
Good enough for me...

So we ended up making the deal that he'd fit a new chain set and take it for a fresh MOT (road validation test) for the asking price of Sfr 3'500.00 (£ 1'400.00).
That fresh MOT will give me 2 years allowance on the road before I have to go and show it again.
Just hope the bike keeps together - but I feel sure she will! Failing that - I KNOW I'll enjoy getting my hands oily and fixing her.

Off now to order the Haynes Manual.....
Leave the pork pies for now - get the sausage rolls while they\'re hot!


Quote from: "Birdy68"I asked about the DAR element, the dealer assured me it was solid.
Question: Could I not take it appart and fix it with some locktight anyways?

If it isn't  broke don't mess with it'll know when it needs doing . It will be noisier than a diesel truck at the stoplight s .


Very nice looking bike.  Good luck and happy riding!


Very nice and a bargain  :lol: a lot better looking than the nancy tractor sitting next to it  :oops:

Welcome to the steamer pump room  8)
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint

Nick Calne

Congratulations, you are now part of the steamer brotherhood.
Is it really an adventure bike if its wheels never see dirt?


Quote from: "Birdy68"I asked about the DAR element, the dealer assured me it was solid.
Question: Could I not take it appart and fix it with some locktight anyways?

In most cases when the dar goes, it is not a bolt backing out, but rather snapping due to excessive torque, so loctite is unlikely to help.  

Due to the standard noisiness of the engine, some people get confused about how it is supposed to sound.

At idle, my steamer sounds exactly like the FedEx truck (actually tested one--I shut the bike off, and the sound continued, turned around and there was FexEx about to deliver a package.)  The DAR sounds very different.  On my bike, idle wasn't changed a whole lot, but under load up to 2500 RPMs it was a loud rattle that you could hear for a couple of blocks away.  But the rattle shut off like a switch at about 2500 RPMs--it didn't gradually fade out, but at 2400 it was there and 2600 it was gone.

The quickest check is removing the alternator and checking for in/out play on the shaft.  It is a 10 minute procedure to test.  Just don't pull the shaft out while testing the freeplay.



Quote from: "Mustang"
Quote from: "Birdy68"I asked about the DAR element, the dealer assured me it was solid.
Question: Could I not take it appart and fix it with some locktight anyways?

If it isn't  broke don't mess with it'll know when it needs doing . It will be noisier than a diesel truck at the stoplight s .

I have to disagree.  There are three bolts that can break and cause the DAR.  I think the most common is on the alt shaft.  I would rather upgrade before that bolt breaks, than have to extract a broken bolt from the shaft of an $800 alternator.  If we are talikng about the opposite end of the drive shaft then I agree, leave it alone.

I would also suggest any Tiger get some engine guards to protect the bike from tipovers.  The plastic is not available anymore if I'm not mistaken.

Seeking adventure and peril


Welcome to the Steamer fraternity! May I suggest two simple mods. First, re-locate the fuse box to under the seat, and secondly, use brackets to lift the windshield as described in this thread:,5350


congrats bro.  i love my 95'. i just got back yesterday from the "isle of vashon" poker run/ classic bike event, and i was the only steamer there out of thousands of bike's. welcome to rare bike ownership. people will come up to you and ask - "what is it?", or "that dont look like no triumph i ever seen before", or i alway's loved the older tiger's, wish they still made them". you will love your bike, even if it has a few maintenance issues in the future - what bike wont?   ride hard.
Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre



Thanks a million everyone for the warm welcomes.

A special thanks to harre for the introduction tips!
Lord knows I'll be needing them....  :wink:

Once I've got it polished up and set-up for my likings, I'll post a picture or two.

It sounds like the DAR situation is an open can of worms!
I'll take the cover off and just have a peek into it - widen my knowledge, so to say!   :lol:
Leave the pork pies for now - get the sausage rolls while they\'re hot!


Are you ALL ready for a good laugh? OK then...

To fill you in with the background info:
The fact is I had a Speedmaster 900i - until last night - when I brought him to the dealers where I have ordered a new Thunderbird 1600.
I'm exchanging the Speedy for the Birdy and will collect the Birdy mid October.

In the mean time as you all know, I have bought myself a 1995 Tiger!

I finally got around to collecting the Tiger from the dealer last night after dropping the Speedmaster off.
The guy at the garage explained everything to me in great detail! Good guy. He warned me about weak batteries and the starter motor... About draining the cards if I let the bike stand too long... etc.

So - After a half-hour training I got myself kitted up (it was raining) to start the 1 hour ride home. I started the bike and off I went... This is G-R-R-R-REAT! I thought - just like Tony the Tiger!

Then - half a mile down the road - the bike dies!

I had no idea what it was - simply brrrrrrmmmmmmmmmm - mmmm - mmmmm! Gone! Dead as a Dodo!
I tried the starter again - motor turned over, but nothing!

So I walked back (it raining remember) to the garage and asked someone to come and have a look for me! No problem - the garage was happy to come and look.

Got to the bike - dripping wet - and the guy just smiled at me!

Yes - you guessed right! Being an EFI rider until now I have NEVER needed to deal with a 'Fuel Tap'

What a plonka!

Anyways - The rest of the ride home was OK. Wet, but OK.

Now the Tiger is sat in my warm garage drying off:

Hope you liked it! You can bet I wont be doing that again![/i]
Leave the pork pies for now - get the sausage rolls while they\'re hot!


Me too first time  :ImaPoser fortunately the previous owner dropped it off at my place. Next morning I left it running to warm up while I checked things over, fortunately it died before I managed to get moving. Had a good look around to see that nobody was looking before I nonchalantly reached down and turned the tap on  :party felt a right tit  :oops:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint