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What Did I Miss?

Started by Sin_Tiger, February 27, 2011, 10:12:50 AM

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OK been AWOL for a while, that'll be Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year with a job change thrown in that included doing two jobs while I handed over to the new guy and cover for the rest of the team while they were on leave, bit of a steep learning curve  :shock:

Phew, glad that's mostly over.  :new_all_coholic

Where were we,  :icon_scratch  :icon_study ah yes, Sold the old FatGirl PigTraillie Vara, sorry to see her go but the new owner is chuffed and took her straight up country the next day. My favourite, trusted (and only so I have to keep him buttered up  :wink: ) has got over all the holidays, BMTroublewe (his words) owners coming in twice a week to get new farckles fitted to be upsides with the other owners  :roll: and back from his Cambodia ride and has dusted of the Steamer to start putting it back together. Head reassembled and engine checked for oil flow, soon please  :notworthy

Plan to give her a shakedown, service, change tyres and then a 4k trip up to Phuket in Thailand and back over a long weekend, ambitious perhaps but fingers crossed.

In the meantime I have been at the local Triumph stealers, not impressed, knew sod all about the bike and treated me like he had just trodden in something. Wanted to charge me BMW prices without the equivalent service or backup and them wouldn't take or return my calls. Very seriously considering importing an XC myself, out of spite mostly but I could also save at least a couple of thousand S$.

I am literally having sleepless nights about a test ride but I'll be damned if I will give him the pleasure so I will have to wait till I get home in April for a couple of weeks.

Thanks to those that missed me, all three of you  :lol: and my apologies for not responding sooner. "The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated".

Oh almost forgot, the wife :qgaraduate has decided that she has had enough of the local edukation awfority and is going to retire early. Talk about life changes, I am too old for this :Topes
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Oh and another thing, I@ve been really naughty and bought a lime green Street Triple 8)  for city riding, apparently I am not as old as I thought I was :lol: or at least I not behaving like it anyway  :oops:  :twisted: that thing is as mad as a really  :icon_scratch sod it, it's just really :headbang
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Welcome back Sin,
why only yesterday i was reading through some old posts and wondered where you had sloped off to, :roll:
what have you missed,well...what ever you have missed im sure you'll be up to speed in no time,
good to have you back  :D
03 Girly Roulette Green with a Hedingham ETH
TOR can
Wilbers shock & wasp L/L forks
Taylormade Billet wheel


John Stenhouse

Ah, nice to see you around again, now you see why the chinese curse was "may you live in interesting times".
Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting


well you missed a load of snow  :D  well I presume you did and you werent visiting during then..  :D


Quotewell you missed a load of snow Very Happy well I presume you did and you werent visiting during then.. Very Happy

I was scheduled to come back but then the ballon went up and I had to cover, missus was happy as she got a short shopping trip out of it  :D

Quote"may you live in interesting times"

Indeed  :wink:

 :occasion14  guys
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


glad t see ya back sin. now ya can do some dustin as the place has gotten messy since you been gone :lol: :wink:
reiberman reiberman rides his tiger as hard as he can (sung to spiderman tune)

Bixxer Bob

You finally got my PMs then?   :roll:

Was wondrin' where you'd been..... :wink:
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


welcome back bro -   and good new's about the wife, now you will have a partner in the garage - all day - every day -  :shock: just kiddin :lol:
Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre



Quote from: "Bixxer Bob"You finally got my PMs then?   :roll:

Was wondrin' where you'd been..... :wink:

Got one anyway, Ta!

Quoteand good new's about the wife, now you will have a partner in the garage - all day - every day - Shocked

If you could see my face you might wonder why I am not laughing  :shock:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Wondered where you'd went... But hey we all tend to dip in and out around jobs, seasons, and things over which we have no control.

Happy New Year (twice)
  If it ain't Farkled...  don't fix it....