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What a quiet life I lead.

Started by Tigertriple, July 17, 2011, 12:27:38 PM

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I had to attend my local casualty department yesterday for a non bike related matter. While being treated I was in a cubicle next to a guy that was there because he was having chest pain. As there was only a curtain screen between us it was impossible not to hear his conversation with the attending Dr.

When asked if he had been drinking or taking drugs, he said that he had  snorted 3 grams of cocaine which he estimated was about 15 lines. Prior to this he had  drank a botte of Buckfast, two bottles of cider and a half bottle of vodka :!: Sounds like he had a quiet night in. This guy was about 25years old.

He told the Dr that he woke up during the night with chest pain :?:  :?:  :?: He thought it would be a good idea to go to hospital. Is it me or is this guy a compete f***ing idiot. I'm not in the fun prevention Police but this is a complete waste of time for an already over stretched NHS.

I may be alone in my opinion here but as far as I'm concerned with this level of self abuse he should have been told to f*ck off and sobber up and stop wasting the time of the casualty department.

I nearly forgot to mention that the best bit is that when he was told that he was fit to go home,  he said that he had no money for transport so the Hospital ordered him a taxi and said that they would pay for it :twisted:
2006, 955 Tiger Caspian blue with lot\'s of juicy extras

fraser ross

something similar happen to me in glasgow royal couple of weeks ago in outpatients female junkie out her face what a pantomine that was you could not script it   :shock:


The doctor's medical code is to 'do no harm'....

Perhaps when someone admits to doing all this to themselves...
the doc should say, " I was just leaving for a coffee break, I'll be back in 30 minutes."

Perhaps 30 minutes of anxiety will be easier to remember .....

People have to feel pain before they change their habits.
\'Life\'s A Journey ..... Don\'t Miss A Turn\'


Quote from: "TigerTrax"Perhaps when someone admits to doing all this to themselves...

They should be billed/fined accordingly :evil:
03 Girly Roulette Green with a Hedingham ETH
TOR can
Wilbers shock & wasp L/L forks
Taylormade Billet wheel

fraser ross

aye right,they will pay dont think so, no doubt we are already !


Too right we are!!,
and thats why this type of Anus should be made to pay!
03 Girly Roulette Green with a Hedingham ETH
TOR can
Wilbers shock & wasp L/L forks
Taylormade Billet wheel


So let me get this straight ....

He managed to get his hands on 15 lines of coke and several bottles of alcohol but had no money to get home so your system picked up the tab ....  :roll:  :roll:

have we ABSOLUTELY replaced our common sense throughout this entire western world with our legal systems???? When in the WORLD are we going to wake up and sensible people and say ... "you know what, those of us going to work every day and paying for this BS have had enough"!!!

Fine him .. can't do it .. he wouldn't pay. Now put him on some kind of labor reform until he works off his hospital bill .. maybe if this type of behavior cost these idiots something they'd think twice. I know I've got PLENTY that needs to be done that only requires minimal intelligence and a strong back.

... Ok I'll get off my soap box now ... besides I gotta go figure out how much more in taxes my ever growing govt is going to take from me so they can give it out to idiots like this  :x
2000 Tiger "Girly in Blue"
1976 Honda CB550 F (getting cafe treatement)


Quote from: "topher0268"So let me get this straight ....

He managed to get his hands on 15 lines of coke and several bottles of alcohol but had no money to get home so your system picked up the tab ....  :roll:  :roll:

have we ABSOLUTELY replaced our common sense throughout this entire western world with our legal systems???? When in the WORLD are we going to wake up and sensible people and say ... "you know what, those of us going to work every day and paying for this BS have had enough"!!!

Fine him .. can't do it .. he wouldn't pay. Now put him on some kind of labor reform until he works off his hospital bill .. maybe if this type of behavior cost these idiots something they'd think twice. I know I've got PLENTY that needs to be done that only requires minimal intelligence and a strong back.

... Ok I'll get off my soap box now ... besides I gotta go figure out how much more in taxes my ever growing govt is going to take from me so they can give it out to idiots like this  :x

Sadly this is all to common and tossers like this guy take up valuable time and bed space. It makes my blood boil that others have to wait and suffer while time wasters like this are treated. Like most others I had to pay to get myself to and from Hospital and quite rightly so. If I need to go to Hospital again I will ask for my travelling expenses to be paid. I'm confident that I'll be told to f*ck off. Then again if you don't ask you don't get.

You are dead right that a stand should be made against these idiots. Unfortunately our Government continue to pander to them and it's the mugs who work hard and contribute to society who always come second to life's wasters.

The soap box is now available again for the next speaker :wink:
2006, 955 Tiger Caspian blue with lot\'s of juicy extras

fraser ross

sadly eff all will change did you watch the scheme ? bbc scotland !!


I suffered a stroke a few years ago and was rushed to hospital via ambulance very quickly and was put in A&E in our local hospital. In the next cubicle as I was drifting in and out of reality was one of our famous illegal, scrounging, smelly, pieces of s**t freeloaders who was getting patched up for free while his mate translated that he had been in a fight with a rival immigrant gang. (Only cuts I heard)
I was left there for 2 1/2hrs and suffered through it in pain while this freeloader was patched up. No end of protesting from my family would sway their attention to help me. Eventually when they got to me the service was first class and the specialist said that I had been left too long before I came to A&E and damage had occured in that time!!!!!! GGGGRRRR.
What ever happened to looking after your own first?
2013 Explorer
2006 Rocket 3
2004 Tiger Lucifer Orange
2001 Adventurer. (Like new).
1993 DR200
1977 Kawa Z1000A1 (Had from new)
1972 BSA A65L
1960 Norman Nippy
1952 Royal Enfield Ensign MK1
2 Crossers
I may as well do it, as I'm gonna get blamed for it anyway.


Afraid its a common story, my wife works for the NHS, so hear it every day, no wonder the NHS is broke.
Our local hospital has announced that 350 jobs are to be lost over the next couple of months.
I think its about time to overhaul the health service, start charging the regular Friday/Saturday night drunks/fighters/druggies for there hospital visits.


I'm going to try and not get too political, BUT, this is why i do not believe in socialized medicine. NO ONE should have to pay for a F@*#k stick like this. if you can afford the high - you can afford the doctor. :roll:
Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre



Quote from: "metalguru"I suffered a stroke a few years ago and was rushed to hospital via ambulance very quickly and was put in A&E in our local hospital. In the next cubicle as I was drifting in and out of reality was one of our famous illegal, scrounging, smelly, pieces of s**t freeloaders who was getting patched up for free while his mate translated that he had been in a fight with a rival immigrant gang. (Only cuts I heard)
I was left there for 2 1/2hrs and suffered through it in pain while this freeloader was patched up. No end of protesting from my family would sway their attention to help me. Eventually when they got to me the service was first class and the specialist said that I had been left too long before I came to A&E and damage had occured in that time!!!!!! GGGGRRRR.
What ever happened to looking after your own first?

AMEN bro!!! got the same shit here.
Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre



They would only say it's thier right..... NHS will never be touch it's a vote winner, you guys are obviously under the impression that our fine political system is here for our benefit, well let me surprise you IT'S NOT never has been never will be.

The country is in the crapper everyone is being told to make cuts have our political ruling elite done the same, have they led from the front, have they FERK, are our top coppers having free 5 weeks holidays, our our top political leaders friends with paper tycoons. Did all these guys go to the same "Public" schools...

The ruling elite in this country all piss in the same pot, they all grew up together they are all in the back pockets of each other and they say other countires are corrupt WTF.....

Give power to people who really do not want it not to some rich kid who has never done a days work in his ferking life, who once elected has to pay back all the "favours" from the big corporations who have sponsored them on the way up. We need leaders not people who are going to take us into wars so they can write a book about it later and who are only interested in "their place in history"

Just a few thoughts for a rainy Monday morning cheers Spud  :wink:


Quote from: "Spud"They would only say it's thier right.....
To me thats the problem... 'rights', everyones got 'rights'...

We have similar issues down at the bottom end of the world, and although I know it's a chicken and egg situation I'd like to see every country that has some kind of 'bill-of-rights' or other enshrined constitutional rights also add a few simple lines that lets everyone know that rights come with responsibilities.
Essentially it should say somewhere 'You're responsible first for yourself and your actions, and the effects of them upon others rights.'

Only then can our hospitals,courts, police, and community services tell them with impunity, to wait in line or go to the back again, because they don't give your irresponsibility the same priority that you do.

Next up........
  If it ain't Farkled...  don't fix it....