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DIY XC Importation

Started by Sin_Tiger, May 05, 2012, 02:18:37 PM

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Got fed up with the local dealers attitude and looked into importing one myself. Not for the money saving, although I will undoubtably save but just to prove it could be done without a huge amount of hassle.

So I bought one last year  :roll:  and am finally getting around to getting it shipped.

Funny thing is, whilst going on about it last year in our local group, my Greek friend decided he was going to give it a go too and beat me too it, just brought in his BMW GSA that he imported from Germany with almost no hassle at all and saved a packet. He is chuffed to bits, again not so much on what he saved but on how it can be done once you know the system, pity is he never rode a GSA before and is not so chuffed with it, he normally rides a Busa  :oops:

Anyway, pulled my finger out and got the UK shipper moving, just need some documents from my dealer and it's ready to go for a sail.

I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Does the wife know Niall?  :lol:


You know me too well  :lol: yup, this time I got approval first  8)
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


I was a bit naughty and opened my pressie a day early, you can tell it's Singapore as it's not p'ing down  :wink:

Next step, get it approved for use on the road in Singapore, then take it for verification inspection, then get an ERP Cash Card reader fitted, then apply for registration, then bid (yes it really is a lottery) for a COE (Certificate of Entitlement - to own a road going vehicle, seriously), then get insurance, then get a license plate, then get road tax  :roll:  should be done in time to award it to myself as a Christmas pressie as well
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


:D  Bet you can't wait!!

All that stuff sounds way too complicated for my liking, rather you than me mate! At least it'll all be worth it when you get riding it :)
2007 Triumph Sprint ST 1050  - [url=]Add me on Facebook[/url]


then get an ERP Cash Card reader fitted.

Not thinking of towing an ATM around are you????
2013 Explorer
2006 Rocket 3
2004 Tiger Lucifer Orange
2001 Adventurer. (Like new).
1993 DR200
1977 Kawa Z1000A1 (Had from new)
1972 BSA A65L
1960 Norman Nippy
1952 Royal Enfield Ensign MK1
2 Crossers
I may as well do it, as I'm gonna get blamed for it anyway.


I was hoping vainly that this might have been a shorter story but here goes and hopefully entertaining.

Buy Beaker from my local dealer in Scotland after having done quite a bit of research on the net.

Present HMRC form VAT410, this allows you to buy a vehicle without paying VAT on it, get a temporary registration and road tax (no charge) and ride or drive it around the EU for up to six months (12 months for non EU citizens or residents) before you must export it. Duly filled in, one copy for dealer, one copy for owner and one copy to HMRC.

Presented the dealer with the list of documents needed for importation into Singapore. "No problem, we can do all that and will send it to you"

I chose not to bother using it in the UK as I was a bit short of leave, just ship it direct but don't want to until I have all the papers in case I run into problems.

2 months later - Hello, where are the documents you promised. "I'll stick them in the mail to you this week"

2 weeks later envelope arrives at UK address  :roll: wife opens it to check what's enclosed = all 3 copies of the VAT 410, yes even the one that was supposed to be sent to HMRC by the dealer and the one the dealer is meant to retain.

email - where are the documents, yes the ones on the list I gave you and we discussed. "I'll check with admin and get back to you"

Cancel shipping company order and put them on hold.

2 months later - back in Scotland for a short break. Up to the dealer, can you give me the documents. "Really sorry we've been refurbishing the showroom and the list has been misplaced" here's another copy. "we'll get that to you as soon as possible"

4 months later - nothing, to be fair I've been so busy at work I haven't had time to get on the case and chase things. Where are the documents you promised. No answer.

1 month later, back on leave in Scotland. Where are these ruddy documents? "Sorry I completely forgot and the admin lady has been diagnosed with cancer, I'll email her when she's out of hospital"  :shock:

Back to Singapore and make some further enquiries, I can import the bike without the papers but just not register it.

Contact shipping company and agree shipping terms. New EU regulations mean the dealer or owner has to submit a statement to the effect that the whole fuel system has been completely drained, the battery disconnected and terminals insulated by a competent person, here's the form.

Send form to dealer requesting they do that and send it back to the shipper. Shipper emails me, nothing received. Email the dealer, where's the statement? "It's all been done as requested but I can't lay my hand on the form" Email shipper, can I fill in and sign the form on the basis it's been confirmed by the dealer, "sure".

Email dealer, can you please ensure that all the documents I'm waiting on are shipped with the bike in the dealer wallet. "No problem will do that when they collect the bike"

Week later, bike collected, crated and sent to port for loading.

Two weeks later, notification of arrival in Singapore. Appoint a handling agent, fill in the declarations, he does all the customs stuff, runs around with papers and two days later the bike is at the workshop, uncrated and crate removed. I make one payment to him for the Customs Duty, GST, Inspection Charges, Port Handling Fees, transportation and crate removal, brilliant, efficient, helpful, painless and pleasant people to deal with  :icon_salut

Open the dealer wallet, Keys, dealer card, owners manual, service booklet, RAT brochure etc. no documents  :x

Prepare my document to send in for local Land Transport Authority Technical submission. Email dealer several times, "we are doing the best we can but short handed and Admin still on medical leave"

Decide to chance it with what I have and see if they will accept it. "Everything submitted OK except the Certificate of Conformity, needs to be original" this is an emailed copy, "not good enough" anything else? "Yes, your Newness statement is OK but I need the same from the dealer" but here's the Original HMRC VAT free document, that means it has to be new as it can't be exported with that unless it is. "Must have dealer statement" Original? "Yes" anything else? "Yes I need a statement from the dealer that he is an Authorised Triumph reseller" Here's the dealers website with such a statement and Triumph UK website stating the same with a link to the dealer. "Not good enough, I need a statement from the dealer on letter headed paper" Original? "Yes", anything else? "No that's everything" When can I bring the documents back? "Anytime" anytime "Anytime the LTA office is open" do I need to to make an appointment? "No need".

A barrage of emails over the next two weeks and phone calls now ensues with the UK dealer to get the required papers, I even type out the content in txt files and just ask them to cut and paste, offer to pay for a temp admin to come in for a day just to do this. "They are in the mail to you as we speak".

Week later. Nothing has arrived, are you sure you got the address correct? "Yes, blah, blah, blah Scotland"  :shock: Hello, I'm in Singapore, the bike is in Singapore, I'm trying to register it in Singapore, where the hell is Singapore in Scotland? Silence. Nobody in Scotland so I have to plead with family to go down to the house to collect them and send onwards.

Sister in law in Scotland, please open the envelope and tell me what's in it. "One sheet, Certificate of Conformity"  :x  OK please mail it too me as soon as possible.  :violent1  

Dealer, I got the original CoC but where are the other two statements? "I thought you only needed that?" No I sent you the list again and included the text files of the content, please send the originals on letter headed paper to Singapore address as soon as possible.

Week later, envelope arrives  :hello2  Open the envelope, two sheets of nice quality paper, on Yamaha headed paper  :shock:  and then notice neither of them are signed  :evil:

Email flame follows, "here's a photo of my signature, just paste it onto the documents"

Nest Sat morning bright and early I am on the doorstep of the LTA office with every bit of paper I can lay my hands on as the doors open, Technical Approvals please, "Here's you Q ticket, second floor desk28"  :roll: Hello I'm here for importation Technical Approval again. "Sorry nobody in." Officer told me come back anytime office was open. "They don't work on a Sat"  :evil:

Tues, take a couple of hours off work to go in again. "All in order, why is the letter headed paper Yamaha (I knew it) where is the statement of date of manufacture?" What? " I need a statement ..." Yes I heard, just couldn't believe my ears. There is a date stated on the CoC. "Not good enough, I need a clear statement of the exact date" First you told me I didn't need anything else, then I could come in anytime, be clear what exactly do I need? "A statement" of the exact date of manufacture" The date it rolled of the production line? "Yes", not the date production was commenced? "No", Not the date the date the QC Inspection was done? "No" From the factory? "No the dealer will do" How the hell does the dealer know without asking the factory? "an email from the dealer will do" I'll get a letter from the factory. "No need an email from the dealer will do." I don't trust you, I will get a letter from the factory, I do not want to come back here and have you tell me "dealer could write anything, also it has to be original."

Call Triumph UK and get through to Technical, very pleasant chap tells me "No problem, we have a department that does nothing else but documentation like that, here's the email address" email sent, auto response, we're very busy and will get back to you as soon as we can.  :(  

Few days later, hello have you forgotten about me. "What was it you needed"  :roll:  It's in the original email!

Few days more, call and get through to the same guy. " I can understand your frustration" I didn't tell him the whole story! " I can see your case file and have your bike details on screen, the lady dealing with it is off sick, I understand what you need, I will send you a letter by email by close of business today." 20 mins later it pops into my inbox   :notworthy

Back to the LTA, different officer, original on leave. "Yes everything appears to be in order, we can accept your submission, please pay the lady at the desk S$214" Gladly  :lol:  "we will be in touch with you when the submission is uploaded" when is that likely to be? "Next week as there is a public holiday tomorrow"   :roll:

Next week, I haven't received Notification yet? "Your case officer (another one) is on medical leave till the end of the week"  :(  

End of the week, hello, "Yes your submission is approved, I will email you the Notice of Inspection and then you can take your bike to any of the listed Inspection Centres for physical inspection and collect your original documents during office hours, by the way your document submission was very nice, neat, tidy and easy to read, I wish all submissions were like that, it would make things so much easier for everybody"  :shock: "Oh and we accidentally charged you for a car, the bike submission fee is only S$70, don't worry we'll refund you by cheque next week"

Sat morning I arrange bike transport van to take it to the test centre. All happy but nervous, "Can you start the bike and ride it over here please" Try stopping me, would you like a wheelie, easy. "Everything is OK but I will have to reject your bike"  :shock:  The letter Notice of Inspection from the LTA has made a mistake on typing the engine number and it doesn't match the bike or all your other documents"  :BangHead

What do I do now? "You have to go back to them and ask them to issue a revised Notice and resubmit" Do I have to bring the bike back over? "If they send us a letter stating that they accept our current inspection then it should not be required. Don't worry it can all be done on Monday, oh I forgot Monday is a public holiday!"

By this time I have a thumping headache and am ready for a serious drink, it's not even noon yet.

The irony of all this is, I discussed what I was going to do with a Greek friend here earlier this year. He decided to give it a go also, he managed to complete all the local procedures the same week and has had his bike on the road for the last two months  :roll:

Whether this gets read or not, I've sobered up now and got it off my chest even if the saga is not over yet. I haven't gone into the Certificate of Entitlement issue or the registration process yet, stay tuned, or not  :wink:

You could be forgiven that I was making this up but every word is true and I have even left out some repetitive steps.
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


I'll laugh with you mate.....
As I'm guessing you had plans to cross the bridge and take a decent ride being a long weekend and all.
  If it ain't Farkled...  don't fix it....

John Stenhouse

Ain't paperwork a bitch!
Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting


Correct, I did have plans, instead I'm sitting here bitching, oh well, have me some time to order a few more farkles for the Thruxton  :wink:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


after all this, I just hope you like it once you actually get to ride it..  :shock:   :wink:  :)


Not much chance I will not like it but the poor thing its in for a serious tonsil stretching when I get it  :lol:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Go to LTA to get the bike registered after finally getting the correct documents issued by the Engineering
" I'm sorry Sir your documents are not in order"   :5huh
" The Engine number on one (of about 8 pieces of paper) is missing the letter prefix"
OK what do I have to do now?
" You have to go back to Customs and get them to issue a corrected document, then come back here tomorrow to resubmit your documents."
But that means you won't be able to issue a registration til Monday and I'll have to come back again since you don't issue on a Saturday.
" That's correct Sir"
:BangHead :BangHead :BangHead

Take a deep breath, go home and have a think about it, chat to my mate.

Back to the LTA 08:00.
Look,I have lost count of the number of " case officers" have dealt with this, nobody identified this as a potential problem, fair enough I didn't either but you guys are the professionals in this area. What can be done to try to get this done today?
For hours later, several waiting tickets, case officers and parking vouchers, I finally get a bit of paper to allow me to put a registration plate on the bike.


Today the plates are on the bike, I just need to get a card reader fitted and I'm off to start the run in, I can ride.

:wav :qgreenjumpers :party :occasion14
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint

John Stenhouse

Well done, go out and enjoy it
Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting


Job done, first 400 klicks have been hard work as usual but I'm happy to say my assessment from the test ride stands. As I get more confident in the corners, even with the "deathwings", I realise I'm going into poorly surfaced bends with greater comfort than if I was on the Striple our even the Steamer.

So far the only thing I feel it needs is 25mm bar risers, as everyone here that I know of has fitted,I will reserve judgement on the seat till I've fitted those.
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint