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Spanish trip.

Started by V.DUBBER, June 08, 2008, 12:33:44 AM

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Im shortly going across to Spain from the UK. I will be landing at Santander and plan to ride down to Andalucia over two days. My plan is via Burgos, Madrid, stopping overnight somewhere near Teledo, then riding south via Civdad Real, Linares, Huesa, Castril, and finally down to Huescar / Galera. Has anybody any advice or ideas for stops or our overnight stop. Forgot to say riding down on a yellow Tiger, if you see us give us a wave! Thanks


Hi Vdubber,
I´m living about 45 km west of Madrid in the Sierra in a pueblo called Valdemorillo(about 85 klics north of Toledo), When are you coming down? Theres an hostal(like a 2* hotel basic, clean and cheap)in every town on your route though in summer it can be difficult to book anything cheap! there´s one here in Valdemorillo I can check dates /prices for you and I have secure parking if that helps. also you might try ( if your staying in bigger towns/cities,  secure parking is a must(´Cause getting a train home in bike gear is a pita, ask me how I know!) petrol is abuot €1.25/litre here at the mo, and the Peage, or toll roads can save time, have better surfaces and less trucks.Maybe we can meet for a spin around the sierra(El Escorial/ Cruz verde.etc) or a spot of liquid refreshment :occasion14  
Buen Viaje Tio! :icon_salut
MadridTiger[size=84]The IRISH Cat[/size]
´07 955i in black,