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We the People Stimulus Package

Started by noivson, March 24, 2009, 10:14:06 AM

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Ride More-Worry Less! \'05 Lucifer Orange \'S\'


Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre




We are the only ones in this nation that can bring real change.  Don't know about the rest of you but I am mad as hell.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.
Thomas Jefferson
Whatever it is, it\'s better in the wind.  ~Author Unknown


C'mon folks....

We all know he's doin the best he can ....

With what he knows ......

Afterall ....

He's the best Damned Kenyan we've ever had as President!

Tomorrow we'll learn how to rub sticks together and make fire!

Keep Your Powder Dry!
\'Life\'s A Journey ..... Don\'t Miss A Turn\'


Trax, tell me how this left vs right bullshit is helping anything?  We have a common goal, right? :roll:
From parts unknown.


Sorry to see ugly politics begin to show up on such a great forum.  

At least we have the passion of motorcyles in common.

Ride Safe!
2006 Triumph Tiger - BEST BIKE I\'VE OWNED!


First of all...
This section of the forum is OPEN DISCUSSION to anything including politics....

2ndly: My comment was neither LEFT or RIGHT.
My position has always been....
Obama... show us proof you were born in the USA.  

If you don't want to read anything but 'Tiger Threads' don't open this sector. Pretty simple concept.... nuff said.
\'Life\'s A Journey ..... Don\'t Miss A Turn\'


Quote from: "jmurguia"Sorry to see ugly politics begin to show up on such a great forum.  

At least we have the passion of motorcyles in common.

Ride Safe!


the politicians that scare me are the do gooders who do things just for the good of it..... with out THINKING.  Their good usually causes more pain than leaving things along.

I just got a letter today.  Texas just passed one step toward requiring all sport schools to get child care liscences.  Sounds logical on the front..... but with thought...... its ridiculus at least in the gymnastic world.

Out of all athletes that apply to medical school.  The sport with the highest percentage of acceptance is those from Gymnastic Sports.  Yet this new legislation will allow athletes to train maxiumu 10hrs a week.  There is NO WAY a Texas Gymnast will ever reach the level of a college gymnastics training that little (12hrs is average for mid level competitive gymnast)

Gymnast have been listed to have an illegal drug / alcohol use rate of .02%.  In that study the margin of error was was higher than the test results.  So now they want to take the kids out of the gym to hang out at the mall????

Gymnastic coaches have one of the highest safety records of any sport rather it be recreation classes or competitive

Gymnastics coaches are "injury prevention / safety certified and Safe to be with children certified. {third party background checked}... it is already a requirement.  Our sport's governing body with our support have already instituted this.  We didnt need a stinking gov. office to tell us what is best.... we took it upon ourselves already.

Gymnastics equipment, standard MATTED gymnastics equipment.... will be subject to playground rules... some of the safest equipment out there compared to playground equipment..... but due to the text of the Day Car Rules gymnastic equipment will not pass.  The cost alone to meet these requirements as well as other requirement will put majority of gyms out of biz.

I OWN A GYMNASTICS BIZ in TX..... the economy nearly has me bankrupt  now..... What are they trying to do up there?. make sure I do go out of business?

I thought TX was suppose to be a hands off state.... a state of we the people.....  Boy have I been fooled.
COACH POSER (Till Tribota Tiger's done & I'm riding it)