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Happy Birthday!

Started by Stretch, August 04, 2009, 02:42:55 AM

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Tiger Triple is two years old today, August 3rd.

Many thanks to all the folks who have contributed How-To articles, photos, intelligent questions, and knowledgeable answers.  In a very short time, you all have transformed this site from a well-intentioned but neglected database into one of the intyweb's leading technical authorities on Hinckley Tigers.

Our bikes thank you, and I congratulate you.

Silver 2005 Tiger.  Rest In Peace  


And none of that would have happened without Stretch or Abruzzi.

My hats off to you guys.  

Honorable mention goes to Mustang for all the Steamer help!  Thanks a million! :D
From parts unknown.


Giving credit where credit is due, Sasquatch was able to get his hands on the old database before it dissolved into the ether.  If you're reading a thread that's older than August 3, 2007, it's because of him.

Silver 2005 Tiger.  Rest In Peace  


Well done guys and happy birthday to TigerTriple :D
05 Tiger Lucifer Orange (resting) 07 GSX-R1000TT K7 71 Triumph T25T 17 Tiger 1050 Sport


Cheers Chaps... and thanks all
  If it ain't Farkled...  don't fix it....


Have two beers on me then  :D  be quick that's coming from a Scotsman  :oops: That must be Bacon cake  :lol:

Thanks for all the help and comments so far.
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


thanks guy's, great site 8)
Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre