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Tigger sorted thanks to and TuneECU

Started by Telbert, September 19, 2010, 10:19:50 PM

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I bought my 05 Girly a couple of months ago, and the next day took her to the nearest Triumph dealer so they could remap her before i fitted the TOR exhaust that weekend. When i got there, the mechanic said that he couldnt change the map until i fitted the TOR exhaust as it would damage the cat. So i went home, fitted the new exhaust and returned the next day for the remap.
At first Tigger didnt seem much different, but i soon noticed that between 2000-3500 rpm she was coughing and spluttering more than before, sometimes not too bad, sometimes horrendous. After putting up with it for a few weeks, i returned to the dealer and asked them to run a quick diagnostic test and check for error codes etc. I prayed that they would find the problem but they found nothing wrong, so i booked her in for the 12000 mile service to check that everything was as it should be before i started trying to sort her out myself.
After reading a few threads on here i decided to download TuneECU, buy a cable and check things for myself. Again i found no obvious problems or errors but made a note of what map the dealer had loaded, vin number etc.
Back to the dealer she went for the 12k service and when i went to pick the bike up they said that they had found a few little things and hopefully she was sorted. I started her up and she cut out on me. She would hardly tick over. Back into the workshop she went to be surrounded by mechanics. A few minutes later she emerged. Apparently the mechanic had trapped a pipe when he had re-fitted the seat, he had also loaded a different map and suggested that i perform the 12 minute tune when i got home. Off i went and straight away it was obvious that the spluttering was as bad as ever. The next morning i tried the 12 minute tune but when i went for a ride she was no different. I loaded up TuneECU and there was also an error code: PO463 fuel level sensor circuit high imput. The other thing i noticed was that the map hadnt been changed, it was the same as before the service, 10121. The map i had expected them to use was 10173 - 955cc Tiger from VIN 206547 with aftermarket exhaust (TORS). I checked on Tom Hamburgs site and 10121 was the map for Tigers up to vin 206546. Surely the dealer hadnt loaded the wrong map. Surely it was the right map numbered differently. So i fired up TuneECU again, saved the map the dealer had loaded and then downloaded map 10173. Fired her up and did another 12 minute tune just in case. Even ticking over she seemed to be running better though, things looked promising. Off i went for a quick blast and she was miles better, not perfect but 99% better. She would pull from 1500rpm in 6th with no spluttering. Fingers crossed shes sorted.
Thanks to the TuneECU guys Alain and Tom and forumites such as Bixxerbob for helping me sort her. And as for the local Triumph dealer, if they cant even load the right map can they be trusted to check valve clearances etc ?. I wont be using them again.


(and apologies for the long winded post)

Bixxer Bob

Glad you got it sorted!!  :thumbsup

If you've read a lot on here you might have noticed my dealer put a speed triple map in mine then blamed me for it not running!!
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


A speed triple map  :shock:
I hadn`t seen that post Bob, i guess that dealers loading the wrong map happens more often than i realized.

Bixxer Bob

He meant well (working through all the maps he had trying to fine one that worked) but didn't know enough about how the maps work to be risking that approach.  The speed triple map is completely different to the Tiger where the Daytona is similar.

When I'm trying new maps, I always have a spare ECU with me that's loaded with a known good map just in case. Overkill perhaps....
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


Ah, i didnt know that Daytona maps were similar to Tiger maps. That explains a conversation i had a few weeks ago with an old workmate who was telling me about a friend of his who owns a Tiger which was running the "massive midrange" map. I hadnt used TuneECU at that time so i didnt find out `till later that it wasnt a Tiger map. I just assumed that he must have got confused as his friend with the Tiger owns about 10 bikes.
So is it ok to run the "massive midrange " map on a Tiger or any of the other "massive" maps? Have you tried any of them Bob?

Bixxer Bob

My spare ECU had a Daytona map in it when I bought it so tried it and it would start but ran rough so I'd say no, it's not going to work (the timing map is massively different to the Tiger for a start).  When I said they were similar I meant they share the same base programme.  The "Tune" as we call them consists of 2 parts - the base program that does all the important stuff like monitor the sensors, open the injectors etc and which we can't edit, and the reference tables we call maps which we can edit.

My tune, with Blue Flame can, is a 955i Tiger post vin offroad tune with 10% more fuel from 3-7k rpm and another 10% (making 20% in all) 4-6k rpm.  So it's maybe what you call a massive midrange ...  It was roughed out on X-Man's dyno in Chesterfield and trimmed using my own gas analyser.

Where are you BTW?
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


I didnt think that maps from daytonas, sprints etc would be compatible due to different cams etc so thats why i had my doubts about folks using the massive midrange map on a tiger.
Have you any idea what sort of mpg you are getting with your custom map? With my Tiger running the wrong (10121) map i was averaging 50 mpg on a mixture of A roads, B roads and townroads (nose to tail traffic  :( ).
Its too early yet to tell if running the 10173 map is much different but i suspect its a little thirstier. A damn site nicer to ride though  :thumbsup

Sorry for all the questions Bob, i`ve not had a bike with fuel injection before so this is all new to me. And to answer your question i`m from Yorkshire. Originally from Malton, moved to York then moved to current address at Goole (a bad move  :( ).

Bixxer Bob

No worries over the questions.  When I first got my 2005 Tiger I was getting around 50mpg.  As I got used to her that dropped to about 45 mpg and there it's remained regardless of which map I'm using.

A quick rule of thumb - 10 miles on one litre = 45 mpg (45.5 actually but ..)  so if you fill up at 200 miles and put 20 litres in you're getting 45 mpg.
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


As a side question...since i now have access to fuel we know for sure that running the TOR map with the stock exhaust is safe? Would hate to do any damage.


Yup, it's safe-  myself and at least a few others have done it.  Several thousand miles with no problems, although I did later fit the TOR can just for fun!
-RainRunner Extrordinaire


Quote from: "M.T."Yup, it's safe-  myself and at least a few others have done it.  Several thousand miles with no problems, although I did later fit the TOR can just for fun!

Some extra cash that would've gone to the TOR can might be diverted into what i call "the Italian fund"  :lol:

What's the difference you saw after you swapped tunes with the stock can???