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I need to get out more...

Started by Bixxer Bob, December 03, 2010, 01:16:55 PM

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Bixxer Bob

Ok, I'll be the first to admit I'm not getting enough contact with other human beings at the moment so apologies in advance for this post.

I bought one of these yesterday:

I was sold, not on the fact that it's a "Which Magazine" best buy, or the "most powerful iron on the market", but on one review that I read about it:

"This iron is made by Bosch so it's not really an iron, it's a power tool.  This is a bloke's iron, an iron for men.  It's the most powerful iron in the universe, it is the Vader of all irons.  This is Darth Iron and the force is stong within it".

Whoever wrote that should be in marketing....

 :oops:  :oops:  :oops:
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


Quote from: "Bixxer Bob"Ok, I'll be the first to admit I'm not getting enough contact with other human beings at the moment .................

retirement isn't all it's cracked up to be is it ?   :roll:

Bixxer Bob

It's not that I'm not busy, it's more a shortage of intelligent conversation.  I'm now registered as self-employed which gives me the odd tax break; but it's the quiet season.  I've been maintaining my fitness level by running these last few frosty mornings which I enjoyed more than I thought I would and I'm filling my time with charity work and helping the elderly but it's not the same as having a work-led peer group.  

Once I've finished doing up my daughter's flat (apartment) my wife has a list of decorating to be done, and it looks like we'll be moving to Norfolk in the late spring so there's no obvious let-up.  We're off to Tibet in April but I hope to get some touring in after that.  If I can find the time... :roll:

Are you retired too then...?
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


pretty much ....busy all the time but do miss the social aspect of *gasp* work


Quote from: "Bixxer Bob"It's not that I'm not busy, it's more a shortage of intelligent conversation.

Well that leaves me out then  :roll:  :oops:  :?


ps and i know nowt about irons  :lol:
In Scotland, there`s no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes !! Billy Connolly
Lucifer Orange 05 (2004) Purrrrrrfect !!


Clearly not a golfer then Kenny...
  If it ain't Farkled...  don't fix it....

John Stenhouse

I have mother to talk to, I'm her carer, poor dear has vascular dementia so intelligent conversation is shall we say a little circular!  :lol:

Took her to France for ten days in September, every morning she woke up and asked if we were going home that day. Got a tad repetitive, so I took her home.

Next day she woke up first thing she said was, "Can we go out?"


Sometimes I give up  :D

Don't take me too seriously fellas, she's great fun most of the time.
Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting

Bixxer Bob

Sorry to hear that John.

I had a customer last week that is nursing her husband with dementia.  It's tough to watch, must be hell to go through.  I've told my wife (10yrs my younger) to shoot me if I go that way...

For me the last few days have been better, this cold snap has brought a spate of quick well-paying jobs.  It seems that even UPVC doors are not immune to the effects of weather.  A lot of sticking locks for one reason or another, and broken keys and higher cost for those using brute force 'cos they're too tight to call me when it sticks in the first place!! :lol:
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...

Chris Canning

Well I was made redundant 4 years ago from a job I'd hated and detested for 37 years,since then I could write a book,technically I'd class myself as a motorcycle mover,which has ranged from driving the demo truck for Ducati,to test riding bikes for MCN,rather funny seeing postings on the net about a new model coming out and I've had the prototype in my garage.

After 4 years that have ranged from collecting a bike out of Copenhagen airport,to standing a bike vertical in a two man lift to get it up 6 floors,I'm off doing something else,but still do the odd job with the bike trade,even if I did write that book folks wouldn't beleave a lot of it  :roll:

I'll tell the story one day of the test ride when the guy in front fell off and chopped the bike in half :shock:

Retired?? sometimes  :D


Quote from: "oxnsox"Clearly not a golfer then Kenny...

 :ImaPoser  :ImaPoser ME GOLF  :ImaPoser  :ImaPoser

i woundn't know what end of the bat to hold  :ImaPoser  :ImaPoser

In Scotland, there`s no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes !! Billy Connolly
Lucifer Orange 05 (2004) Purrrrrrfect !!