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Only in Hollywood

Started by Mustang, February 27, 2011, 07:52:43 PM

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watch angelina nick a street triple .................


Its a bit like that filtering into Bristol in the mornings :lol:
2016 Tiger Sport

Bixxer Bob

At least you can use the bus lanes!!

Edit: Hang on, no, that would be Bath :oops:
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


I did notice, no one in the cars decided to pull a U turn or plan to change lanes when she was approaching, as you say only in Hollywood  :lol:


I'm always on the lookout for suspicious looking birds with big @rses and woolly hats when I'm out on mine.

More chance of getting gobbed on by one of the local taxi drivers or having a fag butt flicked in my face, actually had a guy in a van wait till I got close before he flicked his. Drivers wing mirror was looking at the sky immediately after that  :wink:

Holywood must be a great place to ride bikes  :roll:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"Holywood must be a great place to ride bikes  :roll:
actually that scene was filmed in Albany, New York.............


Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"I'm always on the lookout for suspicious looking birds with big @rses and woolly hats when I'm out on mine.

More chance of getting gobbed on by one of the local taxi drivers or having a fag butt flicked in my face, actually had a guy in a van wait till I got close before he flicked his. Drivers wing mirror was looking at the sky immediately after that  :wink:

Holywood must be a great place to ride bikes  :roll:

Couple of years back I was filtering when I saw a car coming towards me with a passenger leaning out of the rear O/S window, as he got level with me he gobbed straight into my face( Yep, my visor was up). Got his number and reported it, it was a motobility car and although the driver "Was known to Police", He wouldnt grass the guy in the back seat, I was fairly pissed off to say the least. I still have the guys reg no and hope one day to maybe pass him again.
2016 Tiger Sport

Bixxer Bob

Had the same approaching the Black Cat roundabout on the A1 last summer.  I was filtering through stationary traffic when white van passenger in the outside lane gobbed out of the passenger window.  Luckily I had my visor down.  I stopped, slowly and deliberatley turned off the engine, put the side stand down and climbed off.  I had no idea what I was going to do next, for all I knew he could make a proper fight of it. Anyway, I turned around, looked straight at him and slowly wiped my visor with the back of my glove, then started to walk toward him (I guessed from too many CLint Eastwood films that doing stuff slowly is good for effect).  He quickly wound the window up and locked the door.  "Good sign" I thought.  I was still about level with my topbox and unsure what I was going to do next when I remembered I had an oily rag under the seat that I use for wiping over my chain and back wheel if the Scottoiler has been to busy.  I took it out, walked over and gave his windscreen a good going over with it.  He looked puzzled, opened the window a bit and asked "What the f*** are you doing?"  I said "You'll find out next time it rains" got back on the bike and rode off.

Not clever I know, and not as brave as ripping his wing mirror off, but I was satisfied with the outcome.
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...


Quote from: "Mustang"
Quote from: "Sin_Tiger"Holywood must be a great place to ride bikes  :roll:
actually that scene was filmed in Albany, New York.............

I was being figurative but I'll remember that for the next quiz night :wink:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Quote from: "Bixxer Bob""You'll find out next time it rains" got back on the bike and rode off.

Not clever I know, and not as brave as ripping his wing mirror off, but I was satisfied with the outcome.

Nice one Bob  8)  I'm not that quick thinking nor as brave. Believe it or not, if had had had the camera on I could have sent it in to the TP and he would get a $300 fine, that might be even more satisfying!

Apologies for the shameless HJ  :oops:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint