Hello all,
It's been long since I last time logged in this forum. The Winter is almost over and Spring is here maybe in a month or so. I decided to look into the alternator. It made the noise that indicates a loose bolt. But first I have to get the alternator out.
I took out the cover, no problems. As I was loosening the nuts one nut rolled somewhere behind water hose but that's not a real problem. My question is that do I have to disconnect the waterhose to pull the alternator out? After I take off 3 torx screws, that is?
I'm sure I had a repir manual saved in my phone or ipad but can't find it.
I will try to pull alternator out but if it requires the waterhose to be removed that can be a little problem as I can't drain the cooling liquid on my neighbour's garage floor :icon_frown:
So any help will be appreciated :thumbsup
Off the top of my head,I think it needs removing to get the starter out?
Not sure about that as it seems not harm the alternator being pulled straight out but the waterhose going from cylinder head to waterpump obstructs a little and also the clutch fluid line going to clutch cylinder. I'll have a new try tomorrow. It's unheated garage and it's like -3C outside. In fact it felt colder inside due to concrete floor. We had temps like -28C some time ago.
After you remove the metal cover over the water pipe you may have to push the pipe away and wiggle the alternator past the clutch line, but you shouldn't need to detach the pipe, I didn't. the alternator can be a tight fit due to the 'O'ring.
I've done it a few times.
Tank off, carbs out, alternator out. No need to disconnect water hose.
Thanks to all for help. I will let you know how it went :icon_smile:
Quote from: Tomcat61 on March 12, 2018, 05:07:05 PM
Not sure about that as it seems not harm the alternator being pulled straight out but the waterhose going from cylinder head to waterpump obstructs a little and also the clutch fluid line going to clutch cylinder. I'll have a new try tomorrow. It's unheated garage and it's like -3C outside. In fact it felt colder inside due to concrete floor. We had temps like -28C some time ago.
We had about -7 last week!😉
I got the alternator out without removing anything but the screws holding it in place.
The bolt in the pic was about 2mm out.
Not much space for work here
Any play in the drive plate?... Or was it like both of mine - nice and tight, and simply a case of 'they all sound like that' :icon_rolleyes:
Time for renewal.
Quote from: JayDub on March 13, 2018, 10:26:05 PM
Any play in the drive plate?... Or was it like both of mine - nice and tight, and simply a case of 'they all sound like that' :icon_rolleyes:
I did check it: maybe 1mm so it's "normal"? Is it possible/wise to fill the gap between drive plate and shaft with some suitable stuff? Or just clean the thread and tighten the bolt with some thread lock?
Drive plate has had some contact with something but that's no problem. The drive rubber bits are ok.
I don't think any play is normal. I think there should be a washer under the bolt head - check its in place.
The splines enlarge is what happens when you've run it with a broken off bolt head
The longer it rattles the worse the fit on the splines
No amount of washers or bolts will stop the rattle now.
Only brand new drive hub and alternator shaft will fix it "right"
But lock tite green
The permanent stuff
Will stop the rattle
But it will be a mother fucker to ever get apart if you need to
Quote from: JayDub on March 14, 2018, 10:57:52 AM
I don't think any play is normal. I think there should be a washer under the bolt head - check its in place.
Well, in fact there were 2 washers. The hardest part will be finding new brush set, at least one as the other brush is ok.
Was there any indication as to what caused the uneven brush wear?
None. I asked a car electrician about it and he said that they just wear out like that sometimes :icon_smile:
Maybe the other brush has been sticking and had less wear?
Well, now I have put in new brushes and it looks fine. The brush material is like in a soft graphite pencil. Easy to trim them into right length with sand paper :qgaraduate
well done mate :5moped
Nice work. Looks like you have nailed it.
So, I got all put in place and my Steamer runs very quietly. Well as quiet as a Steamer can :icon_smile:
I have been riding a couple of times but the weather is not so nice until now (+15C).
The low beam headlights are still missing so I use the high beams during daytime. I have to get into this problem soon but I'm always at work :icon_evil:
And daughter's scooter needs servicing too :icon_rolleyes: