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new steamer owner

Started by pastyman, July 29, 2011, 08:34:42 PM

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Hey Pastyman Welcome You are also on UKgsers aren;t  you


Quote from: "akendall1966"Hi there ex-pat Devonian with a red steamer to here. I used to live in Derriford, where you at? Don't pay attention to SinT traffic is so button down in Singapore doubt his has gone 30mph :lol:

 :P that's what the passport is for, Malaysian North South Highway  :wink:  still that got a bite from Rybes  :lol:
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Quote from: "akendall1966"Hi there ex-pat Devonian with a red steamer to here. I used to live in Derriford, where you at? Don't pay attention to SinT traffic is so button down in Singapore doubt his has gone 30mph :lol:

i'm just up the road in widewell and no im not on UKgsers but i'll pop over and have a look  :D

edit: wash your mouth out sir UKgsers is a beemer site lol

Colonel Nikolai

Red is almost as fast as Black! I really envy your luggage rack. Wish I had one. I have the exact same bags for my Sprint of the same year.
Mostly commuting around town on the Steamer these days.