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Eagles and a sore neck

Started by Spud, June 10, 2013, 02:32:07 PM

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I am still recovering from my last trip to Scotland waiting for results from my scans and xrays. After leaving Moto al and heading north with 500 miles under my belt and not much further to go to my crofters cottage near Gairloch, a Golden Eagle flew over my head about 100 feet up, I shot my head up and back and heard an almighty crack.

Within a minute I was in some serious pain, with pain in the chest radiating down my arm. I thought I was having a heart attack. Good place to go I thought empty road glorious scenery and a great day.

I manage to get to the croft but could not do a lot all week. I managed a little ride to Ullapool and a run to Applecross which had the road closed due to a cycle race.
It now appears I have done some damage to the nerves in my neck and may well be off the bike all summer. So a word to the wise if you see an Eagle in the sky be careful

Be careful out there the birds will get you

cheers Spud  :thumbsup


Commiserations mate. We're not as tough as our Tigers......

1931 Sunbeam Model 10
1999 Honda SLR650


John Stenhouse

Poor you, I seem to be suffering something like that. left turn of head is easy, right hurts like hell. Take care!
Black 885i Tiger UK based
Orange 955i Tiger Canadian based
Norton 961S never got it, tired of waiting


How weird, I am getting treatment for C5 alignment as well so I know what you're going through.  You got me beat on the location though  :thumbsup
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


I'm lucky in such as the Mrs is a Chiro and I am a Sports Therapist so I can do a lot of the work myself and the Mrs is doing the rest. When I attended A and E I was told to go home and take pain killers, I asked the Doc how they would cure me she replied "how do you expect to get better if you don't" I wont bore you with the rest of the "conversation"

So good luck to those carrying any injury and be proactive in your recovery, if I can help let me know

cheers Spud  :thumbsup


On the odd occasion I get these mind of problems, my first call is always a Chiropractor,  understanding and holistic care and it's always worked for me  :thumbsup
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Well I was about to post up the benefits of regular stretching, exercise and physio, but I'd reckon you know a lot more about that!

Heal up soon.
No good deed goes unpunished
02 Tigger
02 Blackbird
75 GT380
IBA #33180


Quote from: Advwannabe on June 12, 2013, 04:38:34 AM
Well I was about to post up the benefits of regular stretching, exercise and physio, but I'd reckon you know a lot more about that!

Heal up soon.

I know what your saying, funny thing is this year my fitness has slipped due to house renovation and other family matters, could be coincidence but I know I wont let it slip again. I was not very "bike fit" at all truth be known  :icon_redface:

cheers Spud   :thumbsup


Hope your fit again soon Spud. I've  been receiving treatment for a neck injury..stretching exercises. Seems to have helped :thumbsup
95 Super111
96 Tiger


Cheers for your honesty Spud.

I'm planning an IBA run later in the year, but after a semester of full time study my fitness has slipped as well.

Time to get off the couch I s'ppose.
No good deed goes unpunished
02 Tigger
02 Blackbird
75 GT380
IBA #33180


MRI results, 3 disc prolapse (slipped disc as most people know them) 1 of which is irritating some nerves  :bug_eye  and a sprained ligament which is near the spinal cord, that's the little bugger which is causing the muscles spasm's I believe.
Symptoms are subsiding some what not sure when I'll get back on the bike though.

bloody eagles

cheers Spud  :thumbsup


Glad to hear you got it nailed, just a matter of time now :thumbsup

My local lady with the magic fingers was sceptical about the original diagnoses and suspected a rib issue, an hour later I couldn't tell any difference but the next morning I had feeling back in two of the three fingers. Can't wait for Fridays treatment :notworthy
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint


Good to hear your getting better Sin, I never knew bird watching was so hazardous  :icon_redface: no one believes me when I tell them, almost feel like saying "had to jump out of her bedroom window when her old man came home"  :pottytrain2

cheers Spud  :thumbsup

Bixxer Bob

I have worn discs on the left side between C4 and C7.  Pain used to be severe but is better with careful management.  Most effective medium term treatment was along lasting pain killing injection into the nerve.  Problem was the needle was 6" long and they go in from the front  :bug_eye  had to have my head trapped to a table and under a scanner while the doc did it.  Many important nerves and blood vessels to miss between your windpipe and your vertebrae.
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...