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Girley down!

Started by JayDub, January 21, 2016, 04:32:59 PM

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2000 girley, was blown over at xmas in a storm and wouldn't start, same happened the next night and this time was on its side til morning... wouldn't start.  the owner has been away since and on returning bought a new battery, this time it fired and tried to run.  Is there a common reason for this, or something we need to do that I don't know about apart from conections etc..Surely it should withstand a   :nap
Just looking for hints/clues before I go for a closer look.


the 885I's were bad at filling the cylinders with oil when they nap.
pull the plugs and crank it over with the plugs out . it may be full of oil .

Chris Canning

What he said the 885i is notorious for it.


Thanks guys! I knew there would be an idiosyncracy in there somewhere -  in true Tiger tradition... I'll get him to buy new plugs then.  :thumbsup