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Started by Bixxer Bob, December 19, 2009, 05:49:08 PM

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Bixxer Bob

As KK said, first snow of the winter in the UK and - unusually - before Xmas too.

 We had 4inches where I live so getting to work was fun  although I quickly realised we now have a generation of drivers in the UK that have NO snow experience whatsoever.   I saw one "yummy mummy" (see Note below) in her VW Toureg 4x4 driving like it was July (because 4x4s do this snow stuff, don't they?) until she touched the brakes ..... and pirouetted down the lane in slow motion.  Luckily she didn't hit anything but her face was one of shock and realisation that owning a 4x4 doesn't automatically make you a snow queen.  More seriously,  I was heading south on the A1 motorway going down Alconbury hill (yes, the USA had a base there) with everyone crawling  along at 30 mph in the left hand lane whilst the other two were covered with snow and slush.  Obviously, we were all being too cautious as this blonde 20-something decided we were in her way and switched to the middle lane to get past.  She'd only gone a few hundred metres when she spun into the central barrier ripping off her front bumper.  Incredibly, she then got out and stood in the fast lane, downstream of her car, and got out her phone.  It was only ten minutes later it was announced on the radio that the A1 was closed at Alconbury due to a multiple pile-up.  I only hope she'd had the sense to get out of the way by then.

Anyway, I was out on my monthly rescue duty at our local sailing club today where, thankfully, folks had the sense to stay ashore.  Only a slight covering of snow there but minus 7 deg C (19 deg F)

Pretty place in the cold though:

Note:  Yummy Mummy - middle class, comfortably well-off mother of young children and deeply into badge culture.  Usually has the husband, double income, big house (with granite worktops and an AGA) two kids at fee-paying school and finds a huge 4x4 (must be Range Rover Vogue, Lexus or BMW X5..... VW Toureg just scrapes in and definitely not Nissan  etc) essential for getting to Waitrose (again, Tesco Sainsbury's and Asda just won't do darling...)
I don't want to achieve immortality through prayer, I want to achieve it through not dying...

Nick Calne

Not more than a dusting here in the west bob.  Yummy Mummies are still driving like it's the grand prix though.
Is it really an adventure bike if its wheels never see dirt?


Over here across the pond they are called Soccer Moms and they went to the same driving schools as your Yummy Mummys .
Big storm coming up the east coast of US today Lot's of snow predicted


-4C here in northern Norway and 3 cms of snow, witch is plenty enough. Days are at the shortest now, with "daylight" from 10am to 2 pm, if the sky is clear...
-09 Triumph Tiger 1050 blazing orange
-98 Triumph Tiger 900 british racing green
-06 Ducati Multistrada 1000 S DS red
-99 Moto Guzzi EV 11 Cali. (Wi, USA)
-00 Yamaha TT600R
You are allowed to have only one wife, but you can ride as many bikes as you want...


Yummy Mummies.  LOL.  I like it.


Quote from: "Bixxer Bob"We had 4inches where I live ..)

yep same here, dumped a couple of inches quickly Friday morning then the rest overnight..

fortunately I'm on days off at the mo, so can sit indoors and look at it  :D although may have to venture out tomorrow.. advantage of having a basic old diesel is that it pulls away at low revs in almost any gear..  :wink:

Colonel Nikolai

Here in Minnesota we've received over 15 inches, currently I can see 6-7 inches in the back yard now.

You would think with all the snow we typically get here we'd have better winter drivers. Generally they are, but they don't seem to remember correct winter driving until its half over, male, female, yummy or otherwise.

What irritates me the most are people who drive like pinheads in the snow who have some kind of 4x4: somehow because you can get moving easier in the slippery stuff means somehow you can stop better? Like people with 2 wheel drive have only 2 wheel braking? Someone make a bumper sticker:

Mostly commuting around town on the Steamer these days.

Nick Calne

Ha yeah, you are right.  2.5 tonnes of uncontrolled, unstable metal sliding around isn't what we need at the mo....

btw.....Probably best to take you push bike indoors though, can't see it getting much use in the next few months..... :lol:
Is it really an adventure bike if its wheels never see dirt?


ahhhh, 50 and light rain here in the great pacific north west. i think i'll go for a short trott on the old steamer :lol:
Steamers Rule!!!
It's Tire, not Tyre



up to me bollox in the white stuff


Well it finally hit us !! there`s 6" of snow in the garden, most of it came through the night to top up the 2" we already had !! this is the most snow i`ve seen in a looooong time !!

does look good tho !! my gardens just as nice as everyone elses now  :lol:

take care !!


ps its now midnite !! -5c and FOGGY !!  :shock:
In Scotland, there`s no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes !! Billy Connolly
Lucifer Orange 05 (2004) Purrrrrrfect !!


Your (and zombies) snow is probably due to the "Global Warming" :roll:
-09 Triumph Tiger 1050 blazing orange
-98 Triumph Tiger 900 british racing green
-06 Ducati Multistrada 1000 S DS red
-99 Moto Guzzi EV 11 Cali. (Wi, USA)
-00 Yamaha TT600R
You are allowed to have only one wife, but you can ride as many bikes as you want...


I flew home from the states on the 19th Dec (Maine) and i was impressed with the way the roads and car parks were cleared of snow, which was in stark contrast to here at the start of the week. On the other hand i was amazed at how many american cars i saw being pulled out of ditches, i thought you guys were used to the weather. As has been mentioned earlier over here in the UK the 3 cars i have seen spun out or in a ditch were all top end cars with ABS, EBD, Traction Control and muppets driving them.
Looking outside now the snow is thawing, so boxing day(fingers crossed) i will be out on Tiger for the first time in 5 weeks. :D
Cheers ADE.


Quote from: "ourade"Looking outside now the snow is thawing, so boxing day(fingers crossed) i will be out on Tiger for the first time in 5 weeks. :D
Cheers ADE.

I went for a walk today in this !! i`ve got traction control boots :ImaPoser

In Scotland, there`s no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes !! Billy Connolly
Lucifer Orange 05 (2004) Purrrrrrfect !!


We got snow last weekend in Western North Carolina.

The day before my dad and I went for a ride. He had not been on a bike

in 20+ years. We had not ridden together in 30+ years.

He came up from Florida to hang out. This is how it looked the next day.

I never let a little snow stop me.  We got 13 inches.