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VIN # decoding

Started by Mustang, April 24, 2014, 04:18:30 PM

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this ones for my hack


1998 Triumph Motorcycle Tiger

VIN    S    M    T    3    8    5    D    H    X    W    J    0    0    0    0   0    0

smt=   manufacturer  "Triumph"
385= code for Tiger steamer specifically
d= engine code =3 cyl 900 (885)
h= final drive ratio of 18/48
x= checksum #
w= model year (in this case its a 1998)  x would equal    1999 a "v" would represent 1997
j= plant code , j represents Hinckley
and the last 6 are the seqential unit #


Can't figure mine... S M T T D 4 3 0 D K S * * * * * *

Geoff W

It is probably a North America/ UK market designation difference. My 1996 Steamer is also SMTTD430DKT******.
It\'s ok , this will only take 5 minutes.
96 Pimento Red Steamer.


are those the actual frame #'s  that are dot peened into the steering neck ?


Quote from: Mustang on April 25, 2014, 12:45:39 AM
are those the actual frame #'s  that are dot peened into the steering neck ?
You mean the ******? No, they are because I don't want to tell the world my VIN number  :icon_biggrin:
AH! - sorry, they are from the registration document.  :icon_redface:


The first 8 on Stanley are the same as yours. The 'checksum' # must/may be Canada specific?? It's interesting to note that even though Triumph was increasing production every year in the early Hinkley days they had still only made a total of 36,915 machines by the time mine was made in '96, assuming a sequential numbering system.

Compare that to HD's annual production of 300,000+ in their glory years. Of course that explains why V-twin cruisers are two a penny, whereas Triumph triples are rarer than rocking horse manure.  :icon_salut:
"That which does not kill us reminds us to wear motorcycle specific clothing!"


I work for a company that does a lot of motorcycle and automobile financing.  This website works very well decoding both bikes and automobiles.

It decodes the Girly I had, but doesn't work for the explorer yet. The letter "O" does not exist in  a modern VIN Number, only "zeros".


Quote from: Yukon on April 26, 2014, 12:37:43 AM
I work for a company that does a lot of motorcycle and automobile financing.  This website works very well decoding both bikes and automobiles.

It decodes the Girly I had, but doesn't work for the explorer yet. The letter "O" does not exist in  a modern VIN Number, only "zeros".
that's the one I used


Wikipedia gives a fair description of the history and standards for VINs.

I was curious about the purpose of the check sum.  Turns out it is designed to weed out miscopied VINs.  An algorithm uses all of the characters in the VIN except the check sum to calculate a  numerical value in the range 1- 10 where 10 is designated by x.  That value is compared to the check sum.  Lack of match indicates error.


Very interesting stuff. I'm also interested that the VIN interpreting website lists Stanley as a 'dirt bike'.
"That which does not kill us reminds us to wear motorcycle specific clothing!"


I'm not much impressed by that, the only info it gave me was its a 1989 model? - and all this time I thought it a '95 :icon_scratch:


Quote from: JayDub on April 26, 2014, 02:30:54 PM
I'm not much impressed by that, the only info it gave me was its a 1989 model? - and all this time I thought it a '95 :icon_scratch:
what are the 1st 11 characters stamped in the frame neck ?
those are the identifiers of make model and year .


I'll check tomorrow, Not in any fit state atm  :new_all_coholic


Quote from: JayDub on April 26, 2014, 09:24:51 PM
I'll check tomorrow, Not in any fit state atm  :new_all_coholic

:ImaPoser MoT not a great success then our are you celebrating ?
I used to have long hair, took acid and went to hip joints. Now I long for hair, take antacid and need a new hip joint



on BOTH headstock And Vinplate, so 385 is probably for North America.
Mine also shows as '89, but is a '95.